This repo is part of a multi-part guide that shows how to configure and deploy the reference architecture described in Google Cloud security foundations guide. The following table lists the stages of this deployment.
0-bootstrap (this file) | Bootstraps a Google Cloud organization, creating all the required resources and permissions to start using the Cloud Foundation Toolkit (CFT). This step also configures a CI/CD pipeline for foundations code in subsequent stages. |
1-org | Sets up top-level shared folders, monitoring and networking projects, and organization-level logging, and sets baseline security settings through organizational policy. |
2-environments | Sets up development, nonproduction, and production environments within the Google Cloud organization that you've created. |
3-networks-dual-svpc | Sets up base and restricted shared VPCs with default DNS, NAT (optional), Private Service networking, VPC service controls, on-premises Dedicated Interconnect, and baseline firewall rules for each environment. It also sets up the global DNS hub. |
3-networks-hub-and-spoke | Sets up base and restricted shared VPCs with all the default configuration found on step 3-networks-dual-svpc, but here the architecture will be based on the Hub and Spoke network model. It also sets up the global DNS hub. |
4-projects | Set up a folder structure, projects, and application infrastructure pipeline for applications, which are connected as service projects to the shared VPC created in the previous stage. |
5-app-infra | Deploy a Compute Engine instance in one of the business unit projects using the infra pipeline setup in 4-projects. |
For an overview of the architecture and the parts, see the pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding README file.
The purpose of this step is to bootstrap a Google Cloud organization, creating all the required resources and permissions to start using the Cloud Foundation Toolkit (CFT). This step also configures a CI/CD Pipeline for foundations code in subsequent stages. The CI/CD Pipeline can use either Cloud Build and Cloud Source Repos or Jenkins and your own Git repos (which might live on-premises).
To run the commands described in this document, install the following:
- Google Cloud SDK version 393.0.0 or later
- Git version 2.28.0 or later
- Terraform version 1.3.0
- jq version 1.6.0 or later
Note: Make sure that you use version 1.3.0 of Terraform throughout this series. Otherwise, you might experience Terraform state snapshot lock errors.
Also make sure that you've done the following:
- Set up a Google Cloud organization.
- Set up a Google Cloud billing account.
- Create Cloud Identity or Google Workspace groups as defined in groups for access control.
Set the variables in terraform.tfvars (
block) to use the specific group names you create. - For the user who will run the procedures in this document, grant the following roles:
role on the Google Cloud organization. -
role on the Google Cloud organization. -
role on the Google Cloud organization. -
role on the billing account. -
role. -
role.# example: gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ${ORG_ID} --member=user:$SUPER_ADMIN_EMAIL --role=roles/securitycenter.admin --quiet > /dev/null 1>&1
- Enable the following additional services on your current bootstrap project:
gcloud services enable gcloud services enable gcloud services enable gcloud services enable gcloud services enable
In the foundation, Google Cloud Identity groups are used for authentication and access management .
To enable automatic creation of the groups, complete the following actions:
- Have an existing project for Cloud Identity API billing.
- Enable the Cloud Identity API (
) on the billing project. - Grant role
to the user running Terraform on the billing project. - Change the field
to true to create the required groups. - Change the field
to true and fill thegroups.optional_groups
with the emails to be created.
See onprem for instructions on how to configure Cloud Build access to your on-premises environment.
See troubleshooting if you run into issues during this step.
If you are using the jenkins_bootstrap
sub-module, see README-Jenkins
for requirements and instructions on how to run the 0-bootstrap step. Using
Jenkins requires a few manual steps, including configuring connectivity with
your current Jenkins manager (controller) environment.
If you are deploying using GitHub Actions, see for requirements and instructions on how to run the 0-bootstrap step. Using GitHub Actions requires manual creation of the GitHub repositories used in each stage.
If you are deploying using GitLab Pipelines, see for requirements and instructions on how to run the 0-bootstrap step. Using GitLab Pipeline requires manual creation of the GitLab projects (repositories) used in each stage.
If you are deploying using Terraform Cloud, see for requirements and instructions on how to run the 0-bootstrap step. Using Terraform Cloud requires manual creation of the GitHub repositories or GitLab projects used in each stage.
Note: When deploying with cloud build is also possible to use a script helper to do the deploy.
Clone pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding into your local environment and navigate to the
folder.git clone cd pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding/0-bootstrap
and update the file with values from your environment:mv terraform.example.tfvars terraform.tfvars
Use the helper script to validate your environment:
Note: The script is not able to validate if the user is in a Cloud Identity or Google Workspace group with the required roles.
terraform init
andterraform plan
and review the output.terraform init terraform plan -input=false -out bootstrap.tfplan
To validate your policies, run
gcloud beta terraform vet
. For installation instructions, see Install Google Cloud CLI. -
Run the following commands and check for violations:
export VET_PROJECT_ID=A-VALID-PROJECT-ID terraform show -json bootstrap.tfplan > bootstrap.json gcloud beta terraform vet bootstrap.json --policy-library="../policy-library" --project ${VET_PROJECT_ID}
must be an existing project you have access to. This is necessary becausegcloud beta terraform vet
needs to link resources to a valid Google Cloud Platform project. -
terraform apply
.terraform apply bootstrap.tfplan
terraform output
to get the email address of the terraform service accounts that will be used to run manual steps forshared
environments in steps3-networks-dual-svpc
, and4-projects
and the state bucket that will be used by step 4-projects.export network_step_sa=$(terraform output -raw networks_step_terraform_service_account_email) export projects_step_sa=$(terraform output -raw projects_step_terraform_service_account_email) export projects_gcs_bucket_tfstate=$(terraform output -raw projects_gcs_bucket_tfstate) echo "network step service account = ${network_step_sa}" echo "projects step service account = ${projects_step_sa}" echo "projects gcs bucket tfstate = ${projects_gcs_bucket_tfstate}"
terraform output
to get the ID of your Cloud Build project:export cloudbuild_project_id=$(terraform output -raw cloudbuild_project_id) echo "cloud build project ID = ${cloudbuild_project_id}"
Copy the backend and update
with the name of your Google Cloud Storage bucket for Terraform's state. Also update
of all steps.export backend_bucket=$(terraform output -raw gcs_bucket_tfstate) echo "backend_bucket = ${backend_bucket}" export backend_bucket_projects=$(terraform output -raw projects_gcs_bucket_tfstate) echo "backend_bucket_projects = ${backend_bucket_projects}" cp cd .. for i in `find . -name ''`; do sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_ME/${backend_bucket}/" $i; done for i in `find . -name ''`; do sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_PROJECTS_BACKEND/${backend_bucket_projects}/" $i; done cd 0-bootstrap
terraform init
. When you're prompted, agree to copy Terraform state to Cloud Storage.terraform init
(Optional) Run
terraform plan
to verify that state is configured correctly. You should see no changes from the previous state. -
Clone the policy repo and copy contents of policy-library to new repo. Clone the repo at the same level of the
pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding ../.. gcloud source repos clone gcp-policies --project=${cloudbuild_project_id} cd gcp-policies git checkout -b main cp -RT ../pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding/policy-library/ .
Commit changes and push your main branch to the policy repo.
git add . git commit -m 'Initialize policy library repo' git push --set-upstream origin main
Navigate out of the repo.
cd ..
Terraform configuration togcp-bootstrap
source repository:gcloud source repos clone gcp-bootstrap --project=${cloudbuild_project_id} cd gcp-bootstrap git checkout -b plan mkdir -p envs/shared cp -RT ../pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding/0-bootstrap/ ./envs/shared cp ../pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding/build/cloudbuild-tf-* . cp ../pbmm-on-gcp-onboarding/build/ . chmod 755 ./ git add . git commit -m 'Initialize bootstrap repo' git push --set-upstream origin plan
Continue with the instructions in the 1-org step.
Note 1: The stages after 0-bootstrap
use terraform_remote_state
data source to read common configuration like the organization ID from the output of the 0-bootstrap
stage. They will fail if the state is not copied to the Cloud Storage bucket.
Note 2: After the deploy, even if you did not receive the project quota error described in the Troubleshooting guide, we recommend that you request 50 additional projects for the projects step service account created in this step.
If you deploy using Cloud Build, the bucket information is replaced in the state
backends as part of the build process when the build is executed by Cloud Build.
If you want to execute Terraform locally, you need to add your Cloud
Storage bucket to the
Each step has instructions for this change.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
billing_account | The ID of the billing account to associate projects with. | string |
n/a | yes |
bucket_force_destroy | When deleting a bucket, this boolean option will delete all contained objects. If false, Terraform will fail to delete buckets which contain objects. | bool |
false |
no |
bucket_prefix | Name prefix to use for state bucket created. | string |
"bkt" |
no |
bucket_tfstate_kms_force_destroy | When deleting a bucket, this boolean option will delete the KMS keys used for the Terraform state bucket. | bool |
false |
no |
default_region | Default region to create resources where applicable. | string |
"us-central1" |
no |
folder_prefix | Name prefix to use for folders created. Should be the same in all steps. | string |
"fldr" |
no |
groups | Contain the details of the Groups to be created. | object({ |
n/a | yes |
initial_group_config | Define the group configuration when it is initialized. Valid values are: WITH_INITIAL_OWNER, EMPTY and INITIAL_GROUP_CONFIG_UNSPECIFIED. | string |
no |
org_id | GCP Organization ID | string |
n/a | yes |
org_policy_admin_role | Additional Org Policy Admin role for admin group. You can use this for testing purposes. | bool |
false |
no |
parent_folder | Optional - for an organization with existing projects or for development/validation. It will place all the example foundation resources under the provided folder instead of the root organization. The value is the numeric folder ID. The folder must already exist. | string |
"" |
no |
project_prefix | Name prefix to use for projects created. Should be the same in all steps. Max size is 3 characters. | string |
"prj" |
no |
Name | Description |
bootstrap_step_terraform_service_account_email | Bootstrap Step Terraform Account |
cloud_build_peered_network_id | The ID of the Cloud Build peered network. |
cloud_build_private_worker_pool_id | ID of the Cloud Build private worker pool. |
cloud_build_worker_peered_ip_range | The IP range of the peered service network. |
cloud_build_worker_range_id | The Cloud Build private worker IP range ID. |
cloud_builder_artifact_repo | Artifact Registry (AR) Repository created to store TF Cloud Builder images. |
cloudbuild_project_id | Project where Cloud Build configuration and terraform container image will reside. |
common_config | Common configuration data to be used in other steps. |
csr_repos | List of Cloud Source Repos created by the module, linked to Cloud Build triggers. |
environment_step_terraform_service_account_email | Environment Step Terraform Account |
gcs_bucket_cloudbuild_artifacts | Bucket used to store Cloud Build artifacts in cicd project. |
gcs_bucket_cloudbuild_logs | Bucket used to store Cloud Build logs in cicd project. |
gcs_bucket_tfstate | Bucket used for storing terraform state for Foundations Pipelines in Seed Project. |
networks_step_terraform_service_account_email | Networks Step Terraform Account |
optional_groups | List of Google Groups created that are optional to the Example Foundation steps. |
organization_step_terraform_service_account_email | Organization Step Terraform Account |
projects_gcs_bucket_tfstate | Bucket used for storing terraform state for stage 4-projects foundations pipelines in seed project. |
projects_step_terraform_service_account_email | Projects Step Terraform Account |
required_groups | List of Google Groups created that are required by the Example Foundation steps. |
seed_project_id | Project where service accounts and core APIs will be enabled. |