This is a console application that executes a suite of unit tests to test functionality of the ../../libs/dkmrx matrix library. Uses the ../../libs/dkutf library for the instrumentation purposes.
Here is the MS Visual Studio configuration log used to build the target in both the Debug and Release configurations:
- Set the language standard to the most recent version;
- Let the c++ compiler know locations of include areas: ../include;../../../libs/dkmrx/include;../../../libs/dkutf/include;../../../libs/dkutil/include
- Switch precompiled headers off;
- Define the real type the same as what has been used to build the dkmrx.lib library e.g. real=double.
- Let the linker know the location of the dkmrx.lib, dkutf.lib and dkutil.lib libraries (add respective references to the project on the Visual C++ platform).
- Define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to remove "This function or variable may be unsafe" errors triggered by some string and file functions.
- Need command line options to navigate the groups of tests available.