cloud, pue
PUE is often not publicly disclosed for specific cloud regions. Often this is because the region is hosted by a local service provider rather than in a dedicated datacenter, meaning it is difficult to extrapolate data from a known resource to the whole datacenter when the other resources in the datacenter are not measurable. Local service providers may not share datacenter level PUE estimates publicly as it is considered proprietary information. The post reports on the available PUE values from various regions from each of the major cloud providers and compares to the equivalent data from the previous year.
Links that still need sorting and formatting
Measuring the carbon footprint of LLMs
SemiAnalysis AI datace ter energy dilemma
How Microsoft measures PUE and WUE
David Mytton blog https://davidmytton.blog/approaches-to-calculating-network-website-energy-and-carbon/
Adrian Cockcroft - on AWS SCI article https://adrianco.medium.com/d8c06b9a7517
Jo Lindsay Walton - human vs AI paper rebuttal https://medium.com/@jolindsaywalton/carbon-accounting-ai-vs-human-agents-4a07c6792760
Amadeus Carmen blog post 1 https://developers.amadeus.com/blog/how-amadeus-engineers-are-contributing-to-a-carbon-aware-software-industry
Adrian Cockroft: CPU utilization is a useless metric https://hpts.ws/papers/2007/Cockcroft_CMG06-utilization.pdf
AWS/Accenture SCI article https://sustainability.aboutamazon.com/carbon-reduction-aws.pdf