- select world menu
- a system to store world creation information into a file
- timer system
can jump- can fall
- can double jump
- collision net/player
- player can grab and use a net
- player can catch kitties with a net
- collision kitty/player
- net : push a kitty
- net : catch a stunned kitty
- jump : stun a kitty
- regular collision : push player
- (optionnal) player can drink some spicy drink to spit out fireballs
- kitty follow a path
- pathfinding could be necessary
- (optionnal) any kitty try to avoid player
- kitty get stunned
- kitty get catched
- kitty inside the jail
- petsman appears under some conditions
- petsman try to free kitties into the jail
- petsman can be destroyed by player's jump or (optionnal) fireballs
- charset
- kitties
- falling player
- double jump player
- net
- player using the net
- player catching cat
- player with catched cat
- stunned kitty
- petsman
- worldset
- world1: fancy town
- world2: boring island
- world3: spaceship