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241 lines (218 loc) · 13.4 KB

Change Log


  • make an init function from pypowsybl
  • support DC powerline (as modeled in pandapower)
  • support 3w trafo (as modeled in pandapower)
  • improve speed by not performing internal checks (keep check for boundaries and all for python API instead) [see TODO DEBUG MODE in c++ code]
  • improve speed
  • code parrallelism directly in the Computer and SecurityAnalysisCPP classes
  • use the "multi slack hack" (see issue #50) for SecurityAnalysis or Computer for example
  • code helm powerflow method
  • possibility to read CGMES files
  • possibility to read XIIDM files
  • interface with gridpack (to enforce q limits for example)
  • maybe have a look at suitesparse "sliplu" tools ?
  • easier building (get rid of the "make" part)
  • code NR with dense matrices

[0.7.3] 2023-08-xx

  • [FIXED] a bug where, when you disconnect a load (or gen), the next action cannot be performed if it modifies the load (or gen), because you "cannot change the value of a disconnected load (or gen)"
  • [FIXED] read-the-docs template is not compatible with latest sphinx version (7.0.0) see readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme#1463
  • [IMPROVED] initialize the underlying "PandaPowerBackend" without numba
  • [IMPROVED] grid2op import to be more compliant with renaming of uppercased file names
  • [IMPROVED] decoupling of the PandapowerBackend class and the class "internally" used by LightSimBackend when loading the grid. This caused some issue, eg Grid2op/grid2op#508

[0.7.2] 2023-06-06

  • [FIXED] a bug in the init function that caused issue when importing a grid with multiple slack on some cases
  • [FIXED] some bugs in the "SecurityAnalysis" and "TimeSerie" modules especially in DC mode.
  • [FIXED] a bug in the DC comptuation: some "divergence" were not catched
  • [FIXED] a bug in the "Computer" (cpp) class where the intial voltage could lead to generator not participating correctly to the voltage regulation (wrong output voltage level).
  • [FIXED] a bug in the "set_bus" of shunt (wrong bus was assigned cpp side)
  • [FIXED] an issue when slack bus is added from ext grid (wrong active power value - sign issue)
  • [ADDED] support for the CKTSO linear solver (on linux), which is slightly faster than SparseLU, KLU and NICSLU (this requires a compilation from source)
  • [ADDED] support for distributed slack bus in LightSimBackend
  • [ADDED] support for "generator with p=0. do not participate in voltage regulation" in LightSimBackend
  • [ADDED] support for the DC computation for "SecurityAnalysis" and "TimeSerie" modules
  • [ADDED] support for DC powerline (in lightsim, they are still not handled in grid2op)
  • [IMPROVED] now that multiple slacks is fully supported, the warnings when importing a grid with multiple slacks are irrelevant. They have been removed.
  • [IMPROVED] the documentation on the "sovlers" part
  • [IMPROVED] move the "how to compile" section of the readme in the documentation
  • [IMPROVED] SuiteSparse is upgraded to version 5.13 (issue with build system based on cmake and BLAS for SuiteSparse >= 6.0)
  • [IMPROVED] upgrade to eigen 3.4.0 (stable release)

[0.7.1] 2023-01-11

  • [BREAKING] drop support for numpy version < 1.20 (to be consistent with grid2op)
  • [FIXED] a compatibility issue with grid2op 1.7.2 (missing another backend attribute when the environment is copied) see Grid2op/grid2op#360
  • [FIXED] now an error if thrown if the bus indexes in the pandapower grid are not contiguous or do not start at 0 (thanks Roman Bolgaryn for spotting this issue)
  • [ADDED] automatic build for python 3.11
  • [ADDED] support for numpy >= 1.24 (some deprecation eg* np.str and np.bool are removed)

[0.7.0.post1] 2022-06-20

  • [FIXED] a compatibility issue with grid2op 1.7.1 (missing a backend attribute when environment is copied)

[0.7.0] 2022-05-30

  • [ADDED] improved time measurments
  • [ADDED] Possibility to set, at creation time, the type of solver used, number of iterations and precisions with LightSimBackend(max_iter=..., tol=..., solver_type=...)
  • [IMPROVED] scripts to load the pandapower grid (json format)
  • [IMPROVED] update the automatic tests on more recent compilers.

[0.6.1.post2] 2022-02-08

  • [FIXED] add support for python 3.10 now that scipy does (and add proper tests in CI)

[0.6.1.post1] 2022-02-02

  • [FIXED] support for python3.7 (and add proper tests in CI)

[0.6.1] 2022-02-01

  • [BREAKING] the behaviour of the newton_pf function is not consistent with pandapower default concerning distributed slack.
  • [FIXED] an issue in the distributed slack case spotted by pandapower team thanks to them (see e2nIEE/pandapower#1455)
  • [IMPROVED] lightsim2grid will now use the single slack algorithm if the grids counts only one slack bus (performance increase)

[0.6.0] 2021-12-17

  • [BREAKING] change the interface of the newton_pf function to reflect pandapower change in their latest version (arguments ref has been added). You can still use the old newton_pf function, with the old signature by importing newtonpf_old instead or explicitly importing the new one by importing newtonpf_new
  • [BREAKING] SecurityAnalysis now also returns the active flows when calling security_analysis.get_flows()
  • [BREAKING] change the file names (python side) to be compliant with pep 8. You can no longer do things like from lightsim2grid.LightSimBackend import LightSimBackend change it to from lightsim2grid import LightSimBackend (preferred method)
  • [BREAKING] change the file names (python side) to be compliant with pep 8. You can no longer do things like from lightsim2grid.initGridModel import init change it to from lightsim2grid.gridmodel import init (preferred method) (same for GridModel class)
  • [FIXED] a bug that lead to the wrong computation of the dc powerflow in case of sn_mva != 1. and phase shifters.
  • [FIXED] bug preventing to use the NICSLU linear solver in the GridModel
  • [FIXED] compilation warnings on clang (missing virtual destructor, unused variables, etc.)
  • [FIXED] a bug in the SecurityAnalysisCPP: when it diverges for some contingencies, the others were not simulated properly.
  • [FIXED] LightSimBackend now contains members for shunts and ***_theta as it does for the other quantities. This improves the consistency, but most importantly fixes some bugs when used in earlier grid2op versions
  • [ADDED] possibility to compute the active flows using the BaseMultiplePower
  • [ADDED] possibility to change linear solver used when performing a DC solver
  • [ADDED] possibility to make powerflow with distributed slack bus (only for newton raphson at the moment)
  • [ADDED] access (read only) to the element of a lightsim2grid grid with the get_XXX (eg get_loads()) methods (see documentation)
  • [ADDED] direct access to the solver used in the grid model python side
  • [ADDED] unittest in circleci.
  • [ADDED] all kind of solvers based on different linear solvers (Eigen sparse LU, KLU or NICSLU) for Newton Raphson and DC approximation (9 solvers in total)
  • [IMPROVED] use of steady_clock to retrieve the ellapse time c++ side
  • [IMPROVED] refactoring of the c++ part to use template mecanism instead of inheritance for the Newton Raphson and DC solvers.
  • [IMPROVED] GridModel now contains two different solvers, one for AC powerflow and one for DC powerflow.
  • [IMPROVED] error message in the solver are now embedded in an Enum instead of being integers, for better readibility.
  • [IMPROVED] error message when the powerflow diverge (error are read from c++ now)

[0.5.5] 2021-11-10

  • [ADDED] possibility to perform dc powerflow
  • [ADDED] a class to compute flows on whole time series when the Ybus does not change (see TimeSerie)
  • [ADDED] a class to compute flows on multiple contingencies, when Sbus does not change (see SecurityAnalysis).
  • [IMPROVED] running speed of Newton Raphson solvers with better filling of sparse matrices
  • [IMPROVED] upgrade to SuiteSparse v5.10.1
  • [IMPROVED] upgrade to eigen 3.4.0 (stable release)
  • [IMPROVED] clean the compilation warnings on microsoft windows (force the conversion from Eigen::EigenBase<Derived>::Index to int using static_cast)
  • [IMPROVED] add the proper optimization flag for windows (/O2 instead of -03 on linux / macos)
  • [IMPROVED] high performance gain when topology is not changed between steps (gain obtained by reusing the previous Ybus)

[0.5.4] 2021-08-20

  • [FIXED] a bug for static generator (wrong signed convention were used in some part of the c++ code). This has no impact at all for provided grid2op environments.
  • [FIXED] An issue where the backend could get "stuck" in a wrong state because of the way the Vinit was computed (see Issue 30)
  • [ADDED] experimental support for the NICSLU linear solver (requires a proper license and library, see for more information. Support does not include multi threaded at the moment).
  • [IMPROVED] minor performance improvements for the solvers based on Newton Raphson (faster filling of the Jacobian matrix after the first iteration)

[0.5.3] 2021-08-11

  • [FIXED] minor issues in the benchmark (some time measurments were wrong)
  • [ADDED] lightsim2grid package now can be distributed on pypi
  • [ADDED] compilation of SuiteSparse using cmake
  • [ADDED] compatibility with the KLU linear solver on windows based systems.
  • [IMPROVED] the package should now be available on pypi

[0.5.2] 2021-07-26

  • [FIXED] GridModel now properly throw "out_of_range" exception when trying to change the bus of non existing elements
  • [FIXED] wrong units were displayed for the iterators for lines and transformers.
  • [ADDED] now able to retrieve the powerlines parameters python side.
  • [IMPROVED] more explicit error messages when the building of the Ybus matrix fails.
  • [IMPROVED] now the solver is not reset when using the backend._grid.check_solution
  • [IMPROVED] upgrade SuiteSparse to version v5.10.1
  • [IMPROVED] upgrade eigen to version 3.4-rc1

[0.5.1] 2021-04-09

  • [FIXED] yet another compilation issue with clang (see Issue 22)
  • [ADDED] circleci to check compilation for gcc
  • [ADDED] circleci to check compilation for clang
  • [ADDED] circleci to check compilation for msvc
  • [ADDED] function to read the voltage angle from the backend
  • [ADDED] compatibility with grid2op 1.5.0 (up to an issue with the storage units)

[0.5.0] 2021-03-01

  • [FIXED] a compilation issue on macos
  • [FIXED] a compilation issue on windows (missing import of vector in DataConverter.h)
  • [FIXED] an import issue (with lightsim2grid.SolverType)
  • [FIXED] a bug that lead to the wrong computation of the ratio of the trafo when the tap on hv side.
  • [FIXED] wrong timing was measured in the "solver powerflow time" of pandapower in the benchmarks
  • [FIXED] a broken handling of shunt modification (wrong bus was assigned)
  • [FIXED] an issue in LightSimBackend.copy that prevent the copied environment from being reset.
  • [FIXED] errors are now raised when pandapower grid cannot be converted in lightsim2grid (eg. when unsupported elements are present)
  • [ADDED] a variant of the Gauss Seidel method which does the update in a "synchronous" fashion
  • [ADDED] a function that, given a complex vector is able to check kicchoff's law violation.
  • [ADDED] Support for phase shifter (modeled as trafo with an extra parameter shift)
  • [ADDED] Experimental support for sn_mva pandapower parameter.
  • [UPDATED] github issue template
  • [IMPROVED] warnings are issued when some of the pandapowergrid attributes have been automatically replaced when converting to / from pandapower

[0.4.0] - 2020-10-26

  • [ADDED] the Gauss Seidel method for AC powerflow is now available
  • [ADDED] possibility to change easily the solver types from python side

[0.3.0] - 2020-10-06

  • [ADDED] Support for pickle for the lightsim Backend.
  • [ADDED] LightSim should now be compatible with windows (implementation of a powerflow mode without using the SuiteSparse KLU linear solver but rather the Eigen SparseLU one)
  • [ADDED] start of the documentation.

[0.2.4] - 2020-08-20

  • [FIXED] issue for copying environment

[0.2.3] - 2020-08-03

  • [UPDATED] consistent behaviour between grid2op.PandaPowerBackend and LightSimBackend for action that set the bus of only one extremity of a powerline.
  • [ADDED] compatibility with grid2op 1.2.0

[0.2.2] - 2020-06-25

  • [UPDATED] removing the -march=native that causes some difficulty for some compilers
  • [ADDED] compatibility with grid2op 1.0.0

[0.2.1] - 2020-06-xx

  • [FIXED] update of the topo_vect attribute in class LightSimBackend when reset.
  • [ADDED] a github issue template

[0.2.0] - 2020-06-15

  • [ADDED] the changelog
  • [FIXED] the import of files when elements where not in service
  • [FIXED] a bad catch of a divergence in the solver
  • [IMPROVED] the speed to apply the actions
  • [FIXED] tests for the backend in grid2op and here are not identical without (too much) duplicates