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GRC AI Module SDK Developer Guide


GRC AI module – is a software designed to perform classification and class recognition tasks. Functionality includes:

  • AI SW on-device learning
  • parameters configuration
  • class recognition
  • classification
  • saving and loading a pre-trained model GRC_SDK serves as a communication interface for GRC AI module over I2C bus.

GRC_SDK has several abstraction layers:

  • Transport layer – a platform-dependent interface to work with I2C bus. It provides basic functions: configuring, reading and writing (see drivers);
  • Protocol layer – a protocol for function remote call on GRC implemented over transport layer (see protocol_layer);
  • Application layer – high-layer interface for calling GRC function.

Use Cases

The basic GRC AI SW scenario includes parameter configuration, learning, and category classification based on data.

#include "grc/grc.h"

// === 1. Driver’s Initialization ===
struct grc_ll_i2c_dev ll_dev = {
    //constant for selecting communication type
    .sda_io_num = <SDA PIN>,
    .scl_io_num = <SCL PIN>,
    .data_ready_io_num = <DATA READY PIN>,
    .i2c_num = <I2C PORT>,
    .clk_speed = 400000,
    .slave_addr = 0x36,
    .timeout_us = 1000
struct grc_device dev = {.ll_dev = &ll_dev, .version = {0, 0, 0}};

// GRC AI SW configuration
const int configuration_bytes_len;
const uint8_t configuration_bytes[];

int result = grc_init(&dev, configuration_bytes, configuration_bytes_len);

// === 2. (Optional) Configuring GRC AI SW Parameters  ===
int ai_params_len = 6;

struct hp_setup ai_params[ai_params_len];
  ai_params[0].type = PREDICT_SIGNAL;
  ai_params[0].value = 1;
  ai_params[1].type = SEPARATE_INACCURACIES;
  ai_params[1].value = 0;
  ai_params[2].type = NOISE;
  ai_params[2].value = 0.001;
  ai_params[3].type = INPUT_SCALING;
  ai_params[3].value = 0.5;
  ai_params[4].type = FEEDBACK_SCALING;
  ai_params[4].value = 0.001;
  ai_params[5].type = THRESHOLD_FACTOR;
  ai_params[5].value = 1;
result = grc_set_params(&dev, ai_params, ai_params_len);

// === 3. Preparing for Classification ===
//--- 3.a Training ---.
struct grc_training_params train_params;
train_params.flags = GRC_PARAMS_ADD_NEW_TAG;
float *train_data;
uint32_t train_data_len;

result = grc_train(&dev, &train_params, train_data, train_data_len);

// === 4. Classification ===
struct grc_inference_params inference_params;
float *inference_data;
unsigned inference_data_len;
int result_category = grc_inference(&dev, &inference_params, train_data, train_data_len);

// === 5. Clearing AI SW State===
result = grc_clear_state(&dev);

// === 6.  Driver’s De-initialization ===
result = grc_release(&dev);

To avoid training every time, a model can be pre-trained, and the result will be saved for further usage.

// === 3b.1. Training and Saving a Model ===
struct grc_training_params train_params;
float *train_data;
uint32_t train_data_len;

result = grc_train(&dev, &train_params, train_data, train_data_len);

// ---------- Save in memory of the Host device ------
struct grc_internal_state *internal_states;
uint32_t internal_states_len;
result = grc_download(&dev, &internal_state, &internal_states_len);

// ---------- or in the GRC internal memory----------
result = grc_store(&dev);
// Afterwards, the model can be loaded to GRC

// === 3b.2 Loading a pre-trained model ===
// ------------- from Host device memory ----------
result = grc_upload(&dev, internal_states, internal_states_len);
// ------------- or from GRC internal memory --------
result = grc_restore(&dev);


Device Configuration

Initialization of interface dev (grc_device) and configuration of AI SW ( configuration array bytes of len ). In dev->version will be put SDK version of GRC device.

Returns 0 in case of success or an error code (<0)

int grc_init(
     struct grc_device* dev,
     const uint8_t *bytes,
     const int len);

Releasing resources occupied by driver. Returns 0 in case of success or an error code (<0)

int grc_release(struct grc_device* dev);

Reset grc device(if reset pin is specified)

Returns 0 in case of success or an error code (<0)

int grc_device_reset(struct grc_device* dev);

AI SW parameters tune

AI SW can be tuned with parameters array hp (hp_setup) of len length

Returns 0 in case of success or an error code (<0)

int grc_set_params(
    struct grc_device* dev,
    struct hp_setup* hp,
    int len);

Training GRC on raw data

  • params – training parameters (grc_training_params )
  • vals – pointer to training data
  • len – array length In SYNC mode returns id of the trained class (>=0) in case of success or an error code (<0) In ASYNC returns performance status: 0 in case of success, or <0 in case of error. For getiing trained class use grc_wait and grc_get_train_result (recommended) or pass callback in params
int grc_train(
    struct grc_device* dev,
    struct grc_training_params* params,
    float* vals,
    uint32_t len);

Deletion of a trained class with the tag defined in info (grc_class_info). Returns id of the deleted class (>=0) in case of success or an error code (<0)

 int grc_clear_class_by_tag(
    struct grc_device* dev,
    grc_class_tag_t tag);

Resetting to AI SW default settings. Returns performance status: 0 in case of success, or <0 in case of error

int grc_clear_state(struct grc_device* dev)

Detection / classification

Inference on raw data:

  • params – inference parameters (grc_inference_params )
  • vals – pointer to training data
  • len – array length

In SYNC mode returns id of the trained class (>=0) in case of success or an error code (<0). -1 – failed to determine a class

In ASYNC returns performance status: 0 in case of success, or <0 in case of error. For getting trained class use grc_wait and grc_get_inference_result (recommended) or pass callback in params

int grc_inference(
    struct grc_device* dev,
    struct grc_inference_params* params,
    float* vals,
    uint32_t len);

Async mode

To activate async mode for train or inference GRC_PARAMS_ASYNC flag should be used

params.flag ^= GRC_PARAMS_ASYNC;

There is two options of using async mode: with callback or with wait/get_result

To use async mode with callback it should be specified in params. The callback will be called on get result class idx or error code

params.callback = <callback function>;

If callback was waiting too long or not need anymore it can be canceled

int grc_reset_async();

Wait till inference or training ends or timeout

  • timeout - time in milliseconds to wait. If time is up ERROR_GRC_ASYNC_TIMEOUT error code will be returned
int grc_wait(struct grc_device* dev, int timeout);

Getting result of async function execution end (grc_wait succeed)

Returns trained class id(>= 0) or error code (<0)

int grc_get_train_result(struct grc_device *dev);
int grc_get_inference_result(struct grc_device *dev);

Information about AI SW

Returns the number of trained classes (>=0) or an error code (<0)

int grc_get_classes_number(struct grc_device* dev);

Forming class information with index in structure info Returns id (>=0) in case of success or an error code (<0)

int grc_get_class_info_by_index(
    struct grc_device * dev,
    uint32_t index,
    struct grc_class_info * info);

Forming class information with tag in structure info Returns id (>=0) in case of success or an error code (<0)

int grc_get_class_info_by_tag(
    struct grc_device* dev,
    grc_class_tag_t tag,
    struct grc_class_info* info);

Saving / Loading AI SW

Placing information (grc_internal_state) about each len class into states array. Returns the number of classes trained on GRC (>= 0) in case of success or an error code (<0).

int grc_download(
    struct grc_device* dev,
    grc_internal_state** states,
    uint32_t* len)

Loading the information (grc_internal_state) about each len class into states array. Returns 0 in case of success or an error code (<0).

int grc_upload(
    struct grc_device* dev,
    grc_internal_state* states,
    uint32_t len);

Saving current state of AI SW into GRC internal memory. Returns 0 in case of success or an error code (<0).

int grc_store(struct grc_device* dev);

Restoring AI SW state from GRC internal memory. Returns 0 in case of success or an error code (<0).

int grc_restore(struct grc_device* dev);

Error Codes

Error codes at protocol layer

Error Error code Meaning
GRC_OK 0 Function works correctly
NOT_CLASSIFIED -1 Data belong to none of the classes
ERROR_I2C -2 Transport layer error
ERROR_SDK_WRONG_ARGUMENTS -3 Argument layer error. E.g., negative values in configuration of GRC AI SW architecture, incorrect flags, an attempt to set up a non-existenthp (hp_setup) parameter, an attempt to classify data as a non-existent class
ERROR_GRC_WRONG_ANSWER -4 Fails to interpret GRC response
ERROR_GRC_IS_BUSY -5 GRC cannot start performing a new function while the previous one is still running
ERROR_SDK_DATA_NOT_DELIVERED -6 Data have not been delivered to GRC
ERROR_SDK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -7 The functionality is yet to be implemented
ERROR_SDK_VERSION_MISMATCH -8 The GRC_SDK version does not match the GRC firmware version
ERROR_ISR_INSTALL -10 Failed to setup ISR handler for DATA_READY_PIN
ERROR_SDK_WRONG_API_USAGE -11 GRC_SDK was not init or grc is busy executing async function
ERROR_GRC_ASYNC_TIMEOUT -12 waiting result of async function too long

Error code, which are returned by remote functions

Error Error code Meaning
ERROR_REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL_INVAL_STATE -21 grc was not initialized
ERROR_REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL_INVAL_PARAM -22 wrong class idx or tag, or unknown parameter to setup
ERROR_REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL_INVAL_DATA_LEN -23 len of train or inference data does not match to configuration
ERROR_REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL_NOT_CALLED -24 something went wrong during prepare function arguments
ERROR_REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -25 function not implemented on grc. maybe sdk version mismatch
ERROR_REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL_STORAGE_ERROR -26 grc could not read from or write to local storage



Description of the remote GRC AI SW device.

Field Description
void* ll_dev Information about used driver (grc_ll_i2c_dev_esp32 or grc_ll_i2c_dev_arduino)
struct grc_sdk_version version GRC firmware version. It is set up during interface initialization call

The latest sdk version is 0.4.*


structure to store sdk major, minor and patch version.

Field Description
uint32_t version_maj major version
uint32_t version_min minor version
uint32_t version_patch patch version


GRC AI SW driver parameters

Field Description
uint32_t type Remote connection type (I2C/SPI/UART). For I2C PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_I2C value is used
int sda_io_num SDA pin
int scl_io_num SCL pin
int data_ready_io_num Date readiness interrupt pin
int reset_io_num pin to reset GRC device
int i2c_num I2C port
uint32_t clk_speed Clock frequency for I2C master (not greater than 400KHz)
uint16_t slave_addr GRC device address
uint32_t timeout_us GRC response waiting time in milliseconds


Structure for configuring classification parameters

Field Description
hyperparam_types type Parameter configuration
float value Value of the configured parameter


Field Description
PREDICT_SIGNAL Takes value 1 or 0


PArams to configure train and inference functions

Filed Description
GRC_PARAMS_ASYNC if set then run function in asynchronous mode
GRC_PARAMS_OVERWRITE (train only) allows to train the tag again
GRC_PARAMS_SINGLE_CLASS (inference only) if set then run inference in anomaly detection mode (defines belonging to a specific class)
GRC_PARAMS_ADD_NEW_TAG (train only) allows not specify tag for train and just create new one. Allows to use only class idx-s and ignore tags


Field Description
uint32_t flags Allow/Forbid overwriting the existing class with this tag (GRC_PARAMS_OVERWRITE). Perform synchronously or asynchronously (GRC_PARAMS_ASYNC). Train a class with the tag or create a new tag(GRC_PARAMS_ADD_NEW_TAG)
grc_class_tag_t tag Class name
grc_callback_t callback Performance processing for asynchronous variant
void* user_data Callback arguments


Field Description
uint32_t flags Switch on/off class classification (GRC_PARAMS_SINGLE_CLASS). Perform synchronously or asynchronously (GRC_PARAMS_ASYNC)
grc_class_tag_t tag Name of the class for which classification is done. (In case flag GRC_PARAMS_SINGLE_CLASS is set)
grc_callback_t callback Performance processing for asynchronous variant
void* user_data Callback arguments


Field Description
grc_class_tag_t tag Class name
uint32_t responce_len Length of response array (should be equal to CLASS_INFO_FIELDS_CNT)
float* responce Class parameters. Can be interpreted with enum class_info_fields


enum with meanings of grc_class_info responce values by index

Field Value
InputQty 0
UsedQty 1
SignalMean 2
SignalStDev 3
InaccAbsMean 4
InaccStDevs 5

Count of mening fields specified in CLASS_INFO_FIELDS_CNT


Structure that contains the internal AI SW device for a particular tag

Field Description
grc_class_tag_t tag Class name
uint32_t len Length of values array
double* values Internal model value for recognizing tag

Data Types

typedef uint32_t grc_class_tag_t;

typedef void(*grc_callback_t)(int status, void* user_data);

GRC_SDK Structure


Contains examples of work with sdk

  • async_exchange.c – file includes examples on synchronous and asynchronous classification function call (grc_inference)


SDK Code:

  • drivers - [Transport Layer] – grc remote protocols. Includes interaction interface over I2C grc_ll_i2c.h and implementation for different platforms (MCU Specific code):

    • arduino
      • grc_arduino_impl.h - MCU specific implementation of grc_ll_i2c.h
      • grc_arduino.h - driver id and ll_dev structure for arduino
    • esp32
      • grc_esp32_impl.h - MCU specific implementation of grc_ll_i2c.h
      • grc_esp32.h - driver id and ll_dev structure for esp32
  • i2c – [Protocol Layer] – i2c protocol of remote function calls on GRC

    • crc_calculation.h/crc_calculation.c – calculation of checksum to check integrity of the sent and received data
    • grc_i2c.с - [Application Layer] –interface implementation grc.h for I2C protocol
    • grc_ll_api.h/grc_ll_api.c – functions presented on grc devise
    • grc_ll_protocol_commands.h/grc_ll_protocol_commands.c – protocol layers which implements various function call steps: GRC status check, argument transfer, function call, waiting till function is over, receiving finished function code, receiving returned values
    • protocol_structures.h – data structures required for remote call of deleted functions (grc_ll_api)
  • grc_error_codes.h - definition of errors returned by functions in grs.h

  • Grc.hpp/Grc.cpp - [Application Layer] – cpp interface implemented over grc.h

  • grc.h – [Application Layer] – API for communicating with GRC (High Level API)