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Writing a simple publisher and subscriber (Rust)

  • Goal: Create and run a publisher and subscriber node using Rust.
  • Tutorial level: Beginner
  • Time: 20 minutes

In this tutorial you will create a pair of nodes that pass information to each other via a topic in the form of string messages. The example used here is a simple "talker" and "listener" system; one node publishes data and the other subscribes to the topic to receive that data.

Since Rust doesn't have inheritance, it's not possible to inherit from Node as is common practice in rclcpp or rclpy.

The code used in these examples can be found here

Side-note on dependencies

You may be wondering why you can't just add all your ROS 2-specific dependencies to Cargo.toml with cargo add YOUR_DEPENDENCIES and have to edit this file manually. Here is why: Almost none of the ROS 2 dependencies you'll need for your ROS 2 Rust node development currently exist on, the main source for Rust dependencies. So the add command simply can't find the dependency targets. What colcon does by compiling the ROS 2 Rust dependencies and your ROS 2 Rust project is redirect the cargo search for dependencies directly into your workspace/install folder, where it'll find locally generated Rust projects to use as dependencies. In particular, almost all message types will be called as dependencies for your ROS 2 Rust project this way.


Basic concepts of development with ROS 2 should be known:

A basic understanding of Rust is recommended, but not entirely necessary. Before developing ros2-rust nodes, you must follow the installation instructions for rclrs. For a full Introduction into Rust, please read the very good Rust book.

Create a Package

Currently, building a package for ros2-rust is different from building packages for Python or C/C++.

First, you'll need to create a standard cargo package:

cargo new rust_pubsub && cd rust_pubsub

In the Cargo.toml file, add a dependency on rclrs = "*" and std_msgs = "*" by editing this file. Your Cargo.toml should now look like this:

name = "rust_pubsub"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
rclrs = "*"
std_msgs = "*"

Additionally, create a new package.xml if you want your node to be buildable with colcon. Make sure to change the build type to ament_cargo and to include the two packages mentioned above in the dependencies, as such:

<package format="3">
  <description>TODO: Package description.</description>
  <maintainer email="user@todo.todo">user</maintainer>
  <license>TODO: License declaration.</license>



Your package should now have a similar structure:

├── Cargo.toml
├── package.xml
└── src
Write the publisher node

To construct a node, replace the code in your file with the following:

/// Creates a SimplePublisherNode, initializes a node and publisher, and provides
/// methods to publish a simple "Hello World" message on a loop in separate threads.

use rclrs::{create_node, Context, Node, Publisher, RclrsError, QOS_PROFILE_DEFAULT};
use std::{env, sync::Arc, thread, time::Duration};
use std_msgs::msg::String as StringMsg;
/// SimplePublisherNode struct contains node and publisher members.
/// Used to initialize a ROS 2 node and publisher, and publish messages.
struct SimplePublisherNode {
    node: Arc<Node>,
    publisher: Arc<Publisher<StringMsg>>,
impl SimplePublisherNode {
    fn new(context: &context) -> result<self, RclrsError> {
        let node = create_node(context, "simple_publisher").unwrap();
        let publisher = node
            .create_publisher("publish_hello", qos_profile_default)
        ok(self { node, publisher })
    fn publish_data(&self, increment: i32) -> Result<i32, RclrsError> {
        let msg: StringMsg = StringMsg {
            data: format!("Hello World {}", increment),
        Ok(increment + 1_i32)
fn main() -> Result<(), RclrsError> {
    let context = Context::new(env::args()).unwrap();
    let publisher = Arc::new(SimplePublisherNode::new(&context).unwrap());
    let publisher_other_thread = Arc::clone(&publisher);
    let mut count: i32 = 0;
    thread::spawn(move || loop {
        count = publisher_other_thread.publish_data(count).unwrap();
Examining the code in detail:


The first 3 lines of the Rust code imports tools for thread synchronization, time handling, iteration, threading, ROS 2 communication, and string message publishing.

use rclrs::{create_node, Context, Node, Publisher, RclrsError, QOS_PROFILE_DEFAULT};
use std::{env, sync::Arc, thread, time::Duration};
use std_msgs::msg::String as StringMsg;
  • use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration, iter, thread};: Imports specific features from the standard library:
    • Arc is for thread-safe shared ownership of data.
    • Duration represents a time span.
    • thread enables creating and managing threads.
  • use rclrs::{RclrsError, QOS_PROFILE_DEFAULT, Context, create_node, Node, Publisher};:
    • Imports elements for ROS 2 communication:
      • RclrsError for handling errors.
      • QOS_PROFILE_DEFAULT for default Quality of Service settings.
  • Context, create_node, Node, Publisher are for ROS 2 node creation and publishing.
  • use std_msgs::msg::String as StringMsg;: Imports the StringMsg type for publishing string messages.


Next, this structure defines a SimplePublisherNode which holds references to a ROS 2 node and a publisher for string messages.

struct SimplePublisherNode {
    node: Arc<Node>,
    publisher: Arc<Publisher<StringMsg>>,
  1. Structure:
    struct SimplePublisherNode: This line defines a new struct named SimplePublisherNode. It serves as a blueprint for creating objects that hold information related to a simple publisher node in ROS 2.

  2. Members:

  • node: Arc<Node>: This member stores a reference to a ROS 2 node, wrapped in an Arc (Atomic Reference Counted) smart pointer. This allows for safe sharing of the node reference across multiple threads.
  • _publisher: Arc<Publisher<StringMsg>>: This member stores a reference to a publisher specifically for string messages (StringMsg), also wrapped in an Arc for thread safety. The publisher is responsible for sending string messages to other nodes in the ROS 2 system.

impl SimplePublisher

This code defines methods for the SimplePublisherNode struct. The new method creates a ROS 2 node and publisher, storing them in the struct. The publish_data method publishes a string message with a counter and returns the incremented counter.

impl SimplePublisherNode {
    fn new(context: &context) -> result<self, RclrsError> {
        let node = create_node(context, "simple_publisher").unwrap();
        let publisher = node
            .create_publisher("publish_hello", qos_profile_default)
        ok(self { node, publisher })
    fn publish_data(&self, increment: i32) -> Result<i32, RclrsError> {
        let msg: StringMsg = StringMsg {
            data: format!("Hello World {}", increment),
        Ok(increment + 1_i32)
  1. Implementation Block:
    impl SimplePublisherNode { ... }: This line indicates that methods are being defined for the SimplePublisherNode struct.
  2. Constructor Method:
  • fn new(context: &Context) -> Result<Self, RclrsError> { ... }: This method serves as a constructor for creating instances of SimplePublisherNode.
    • It takes a Context object as input, which is necessary for interacting with the ROS 2 system.
    • It returns a Result type, indicating either a successful Self (the created SimplePublisherNode object) or an RclrsError if something goes wrong.
    • Inside the new method:
      • let node = create_node(context, "simple_publisher").unwrap();: Creates a new ROS 2 node named "simple_publisher" within the given context. The unwrap() unwraps the Result, handling any errors immediately by forcing the program to abort (panic) if something goes wrong. Since your code can't function properly if the node is not able to be created, this is a valid error-handling response for our use-case.
      • let _publisher = node.create_publisher("publish_hello", QOS_PROFILE_DEFAULT).unwrap();: Creates a publisher for string messages on the topic "publish_hello" with default quality of service settings.
      • Ok(Self { node, _publisher, }): Returns an Ok(T) Result with the newly created SimplePublisherNode as T object, containing the node and publisher references.
  1. Publishing Method:
  • fn publish_data(&self, increment: i32) -> Result<i32, RclrsError> { ... }: This method publishes a string message and increments a counter.
    • It takes an increment value (an integer) as input, which is used for counting purposes within the message content.
    • It also returns a Result type, indicating either the incremented value or an RclrsError if publishing fails.
    • Inside the publish_data method:
      • let msg: StringMsg = StringMsg { data: format!("Hello World {}", increment), };: Creates a string message with the content "Hello World" followed by the increment value.
      • self._publisher.publish(msg).unwrap();: Publishes the created message onto the topic associated with the publisher.
      • Ok(increment + 1_i32): Returns a Result with the incremented increment value.


The main Method creates a ROS 2 node that publishes string messages at a rate of 1 Hz.

fn main() -> Result<(), RclrsError> {
    let context = Context::new(env::args()).unwrap();
    let publisher = Arc::new(SimplePublisherNode::new(&context).unwrap());
    let publisher_other_thread = Arc::clone(&publisher);
    let mut count: i32 = 0;
    thread::spawn(move || loop {
        count = publisher_other_thread.publish_data(count).unwrap();
  1. Main Function: fn main() -> Result<(), RclrsError> { ... }: This defines the main entry point of the program. It returns a Result type, indicating either successful execution or an RclrsError.
  2. Context and Node Setup:
  • let context = Context::new(std::env::args()).unwrap();: Creates a ROS 2 context using command-line arguments.
  • let publisher = Arc::new(SimplePublisherNode::new(&context).unwrap());:
    • Creates an Arc (atomic reference counted) pointer to a SimplePublisherNode object.
    • Calls the new method on SimplePublisherNode to construct the node and publisher within the context.
  1. Thread and Iterator:
  • let publisher_other_thread = Arc::clone(&publisher);: Clones the shared publisher pointer for use in a separate thread.
  • let mut iterator: i32 = 0;: Initializes a counter variable for message content.
  • thread::spawn(move || -> () { ... });: Spawns a new thread with a closure: loop { ... }: Creates an infinite loop using loop.
  1. Publishing Loop within Thread:
  • thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000));: Pauses the thread for 1 second (1 Hz publishing rate).
  • iterator = publisher_other_thread.publish_data(count).unwrap();: Calls the publish_data method on the publisher_other_thread to publish a message with the current counter value. Increments the iterator for the next message.
  1. Main Thread Spin:
  • rclrs::spin(publisher.node.clone());: Keeps the main thread running, processing ROS 2 events and messages. Uses a cloned reference to the node to ensure it remains active even with other threads.
Having several ROS 2 Rust nodes in one Package

Of course, you can write for each node you want to implement its own package, and that can have it's advantages. I implore you to use some cargo tricks and add some binary targets to your cargo.toml. That could look like this:

name = "rust_pubsub"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at

rclrs = "*"
std_msgs = "*"

You'll find the name of your executable and the corresponding file name under the [[bin]] tag. As you can see, the filename and the name you want to call your node don't have to match. Please remember to include your executable name with snake_cases. The Rust compiler will be a bit grumpy if you don't.
Now, by recompiling the package from the previous chapter and making it usable:

colcon build
source install/setub.bash

Running the node will look like this:

ros2 run rust_pubsub simple_publisher

As you can see, you are now calling your node by the name declared in [[bin]] using the name variable.

Write the subscriber node

Of course, you can implement a new ROS 2 Rust package for this node. You can find out how to do this in the section called 'Create a package'. Or you can add a new binary target to your package. To do so, just add a new to your source directory - for simplicity I'll call this file - and add a corresponding binary target to your Cargo.toml:


To construct the subscriber node, put the following code into a - in my case its the src/

use rclrs::{create_node, Context, Node, RclrsError, Subscription, QOS_PROFILE_DEFAULT};
use std::{
    sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use std_msgs::msg::String as StringMsg;
pub struct SimpleSubscriptionNode {
    node: Arc<Node>,
    _subscriber: Arc<Subscription<StringMsg>>,
    data: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>>,
impl SimpleSubscriptionNode {
    fn new(context: &Context) -> Result<Self, RclrsError> {
        let node = create_node(context, "simple_subscription").unwrap();
        let data: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
        let data_mut: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> = Arc::clone(&data);
        let _subscriber = node
            .create_subscription::<StringMsg, _>(
                move |msg: StringMsg| {
                    *data_mut.lock().unwrap() = Some(msg);
        Ok(Self {
    fn data_callback(&self) -> Result<(), RclrsError> {
        if let Some(data) = {
        } else {
            println!("No message available yet.");
fn main() -> Result<(), RclrsError> {
    let context = Context::new(env::args()).unwrap();
    let subscription = Arc::new(SimpleSubscriptionNode::new(&context).unwrap());
    let subscription_other_thread = Arc::clone(&subscription);
    thread::spawn(move || loop {
Examining the code in detail:


pub struct SimpleSubscriptionNode {
    node: Arc<Node>,
    _subscriber: Arc<Subscription<StringMsg>>,
    data: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>>,

Instead of a Publisher, there is a Subscription object in the Subscriber node. The data needs to be an Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> because there can be errors in the data transfer process and this can be caught by including the value of the incoming subscription in an optional.

impl SimpleSubscriptionNode

This code defines methods for the SimpleSubscriptionNode struct.


The new method creates a ROS 2 node, subscriber, and a storage location for received messages, storing them in the struct.

    fn new(context: &Context) -> Result<Self, RclrsError> {
        let node = create_node(context, "simple_subscription").unwrap();
        let data: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
        let data_mut: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> = Arc::clone(&data);
        let _subscriber = node
            .create_subscription::<StringMsg, _>(
                move |msg: StringMsg| {
                    *data_mut.lock().unwrap() = Some(msg);
        Ok(Self {

A few special features:

  1. Initializing Shared Data:
    • let data: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
      This line creates a shared data structure that will hold the received message.
      • Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>>: This is a complex type combining several functionalities:
        • Arc<T>: An atomically reference-counted pointer (Arc) allows multiple parts of the code to safely access the same data (T).
        • Mutex<T>: A mutual exclusion lock (Mutex) ensures only one thread can modify the data (T) at a time, preventing race conditions.
        • Option<StringMsg>: This represents an optional value that can either hold a message of type StringMsg or be None if no message has been received yet.
    • Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)): This creates a new instance of Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> and initializes the inner Mutex with None.
  2. Creating a Subscription:
    • let _subscriber = node.create_subscription::<StringMsg, _>(...
      This line attempts to create a subscription using the created ROS node (node).
      • create_subscription: This is creates a subscription to a specific topic.
      • <StringMsg, _>: This specifies the type of message the subscription is interested in (StringMsg) and a placeholder (_) for the callback closure type.
        "publish_hello": This is the name of the ROS topic this node wants to subscribe to. Messages of type StringMsg are expected on this topic.
      • move |msg: StringMsg| { ... }: This is a closure (anonymous function) that will be called whenever a new message arrives on the subscribed topic.
      • msg: StringMsg: This parameter receives the received message of type StringMsg. The closure body ({...}) uses the Mutex to access and update the shared data (data_mut) with the received message.
  3. Cloning the Shared Data:
    • let data_mut: Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> = Arc::clone(&data); This line creates another Arc reference (data_mut) pointing to the same underlying data structure as data. This allows the closure to access and modify the shared data.

This function provides a way to access and potentially use the received message data stored within the data member variable of the SimpleSubscriptionNode. It checks if a message exists, prints it if available, or informs the user there's no message yet.

fn data_callback(&self) -> Result<(), RclrsError> {
    if let Some(data) = {
    } else {
        println!("No message available yet.");

A few special features:

  1. Checking for Received Message:
    • if let Some(data) = { ... }: This is an if-let statement used for pattern matching on optional values.
    • This accesses the member variable data of the struct (likely the Arc<Mutex<Option<StringMsg>>> created earlier).
    • .lock().unwrap(): This calls the lock method on the Mutex to gain exclusive access to the shared data. If another thread already holds the lock, lock might block until the lock is released.
      .as_ref(): This converts the borrowed MutexGuard (returned by .lock()) into a reference to the inner value (Option<StringMsg>).
    • Some(data): This pattern attempts to match the value inside the Option with Some(data). If there's a message (Some(data)), the code block after the if is executed, and data is bound to the actual message content of type StringMsg.
Build and Run

Once you have implemented the code, you are ready to make it runnable:

colcon build

Please note that you'll need to run your nodes in separate terminals. In each terminal, you'll need to source your ROS 2 installation separately. So for each of the two nodes you've built so far, open a terminal and type the following:

source install/setup.bash
ros2 run rust_pubsub your_node_name

In my case, the nodes are called simple_publisher and simple_subscriber. You can name your nodes whatever you like. It is important that the publisher and subscriber use the same topic type and name.
If you haven't had any errors so far and have successfully started the Publisher and Subscriber, you should see something similar in the Subscriber's Terminal window:

Hello World 230
Hello World 231
Hello World 232
Hello World 233
Hello World 234
Hello World 235
Hello World 236
Hello World 237
Hello World 238
Hello World 239
Hello World 240
Hello World 241
Hello World 242
Hello World 243
Hello World 244
Hello World 245
Hello World 246

(My nodes have been running for some time.)
Enter Ctrl+c in each terminal to stop the nodes from spinning.


You created two nodes to publish and subscribe to data over a topic. Before running them, you added their dependencies and entry points to the package configuration files.

Last thoughts

At the end of the day, tools must not only work more safely and efficiently from a purely rational point of view, but they must also give the end user, as well as the developer, a good time. Hopefully you had fun developing the two nodes. Without fun, software development can be boring and will often prevent you from using this tool again.