Install Frama-C
- Installation tutorial of the program completed!
Create a tutorial on how to use https://frama-c.com/fc-plugins/slicing.html
- Learn how to use the tool
- Perform tests
Read Chapter 2 of the Thesis on program slicing
- 1/3
- 2/3
- 3/3
Present an example with slides of what program slicing is and how to execute it using Frama-C via command line.
- (EXTRA!) present an example of program slicing with frama-c GUI
Present an example with slides of what program slicing is and how to execute it WITHOUT USING SOFTWARE, for function and instruction as a cutting criterion.
(EXTRA!) add pt-br support to the repository.
complete the documentation for -slice-assert, -slice-pragma
- (EXTRA!) enhance the documentation for types of slices in frama-c
- (EXTRA!) enhance the documentation for the definition of slices
study more about -slice-assert, -slice-pragma, -slice-return, -slice-calls
- 1/2 slice-assert
- 2/2 slice-pragma
- 3/4 slice-return
- 4/4 slice-calls019980
1 example with various criterions focusing in a assert(0) <- this is expected to be an error
test the output of frama-c combined with esbmc.org
- 1/5
- 2/5
- 3/5
- 4/5
- 5/5
Refactor all the repository, adding the new tools to the README
Refactor documentation of frama-c
Create documentation for esbmc
- 1/4 what is it?
- 2/4 installation
- 3/4 what it can do?
- 4/4 Examples of use
Selecionar 5 programas de https://sv-comp.sosy-lab.org/2023/benchmarks.php com LOOPs
Testar com várias opções do FRAMA-C
- 1/15 [loop_array1-1.c]
- 2/15 [loop_array1-2.c]
- 3/15 [loop_array2-2.c]
- 4/15 [loop_array3.c]
- 5/15 [loop_diamond1-1.c]
- 6/15 [loop_diamond2-2.c]
- 7/15 [loop_functions1-1.c]
- 8/15 [loop_functions1-2.c]
- 9/15 [loop_multivar1-1.c]
- 10/15 [loop_multivar1-2.c]
- 11/15 [loop_underapprox1-1.c]
- 12/15 [loop_underapprox1-2.c]
- 13/15 [loop_underapprox2-1.c]
- 14/15 [loop_nested1-1.c]
- 15/15 [loop_overflow1-1.c]
Slice por localização no código
Um exemplo de uso com ESBMC
(EXTRA!) complete the udemy course:Functional Verification - a holistic view
(EXTRA!) complete the udemy course: ROS for Beginners II
(EXTRA!) study all the 3 slide presentations in ESBMC documentation website:
- 1/3
- 2/3
- 3/3
Definir as opções do FRAMA-C para efetuar o slice nos arquivos em C focando __VERIFIER_ERROR() OU REACH_ERROR()
- Verificar para cada programa se ele é um código funcional, i.e., aceito pelo ESBMC (é sim)
- Passar cada código pelo ESBMC, e tabelar os resultados incluindo o tempo
- Análise comparativa usando o ESBMC sem efetuar o slice com o Frama-C, i.e., os códigos originais
Testar a ferramenta map2check
(EXTRA!) Realizar testes no cruise_control
opção do ESBMC para usar k-induction em paralelo
Escrever uma página sobre o FRAMA-C
[/] Escrever o relatório final, deadline 15 agosto.