This document provides documentation for the first version of our benchmark OWL2Bench. OWL2Bench can be used to benchmark three aspects of the reasoners - support for OWL 2 language constructs, scalability in terms of ABox size, and the query performance.
6.1 Direct execution using executable jar (with default configurations).
6.2 Using Source Code (with or without default configurations).
OWl 2 is gaining popularity in a variety of domains because of its high level of expressivity. OWL 2 has several profiles such as OWL 2 EL, OWl 2 QL, OWL 2 RL, and OWL 2 DL that vary in terms of their expressivity and reasoning performance. There are several OWL 2 reasoners (such as Hermit, JFact, Openllet, Pellet, Konclude and ELK) and some SPARQL query engines (such as Stardog and GraphDB) that are backed by OWL 2 Reasoners so as to help answer queries that involve reasoning. OWL2Bench is our first step towards a standard benchmark for all the OWL 2 profiles. Our benchmark is an extension of well known University Ontology Benchmark (UOBM). OWL2Bench includes TBox for each profile covering the set of constructs supported by that profile, generation of synthetic data scalable to arbitrary size and a separate set of SPARQL queries for each profile to be executed over generated data for performance evaluation of several reasoners and SPARQL query engines.
The hierarchy among some of the classes, including the relations between them, is shown in the figure below. All the four TBoxes of OWL2Bench consist of classes such as University, College, CollegeDiscipline, Department, Person, Program, and Course. They are related to each other through relationships such as enrollFor, teachesCourse, and offerCourse. The labeled (dashed) edges represent the properties. The unlabeled edgesrepresent the subclass relation.
Repository consists of 2 directories: OWL2Bench and Experiments. OWL2Bench is a java source code directory for our benchmark. Experiments directory consists of reasoner implementation codes and details about the experiments performed. The repository also consists of four different TBox for each OWL 2 Profiles (EL, QL, RL and DL): UNIV-BENCH-OWL2EL.owl, UNIV-BENCH-OWL2QL.owl, UNIV-BENCH-OWL2RL.owl, UNIV-BENCH-OWL2DL.owl, and an executable jar file : OWL2Bench.jar.
The OWL2Bench TBoxes have been built by enriching the existing UOBM ontology with OWL 2 constructs.
ABox axioms are generated by OWL2Bench based on two user inputs, the number of universities and the OWL 2 prole (EL, QL, RL, DL) of interest. The instance data that is generated complies with the schema defined in the TBox of the selected profile. The size of the instance data depends on the number of universities. The steps to generate the ABox are listed below. i) Instances (class assertion axioms) for the University class are generated and their number is equal to the number of universities specied by the user. ii) For each University class instance, instances for College, Department, as well as for all the related classes are generated. iii) Property assertion axioms are created using these instances. For example, an object property isDepartmentOf links a Department instance to a College instance. Similarly, a data property hasName is used to connect a department name to a Department instance. iv) The number of instances of each class (other than University) and the num- ber of connections between all the instances are selected automatically and randomly from a range specied in the conguration le. This range (max- imum and minimum values of the parameters) can be modied to change the size of the generated ABox as well as to control the density (number of connections between di�erent instances). Moreover, the output ontology for- mat can also be specied in the conguration le. By default, the generated ontology format is RDF/XML.
OWL2Bench consists of twenty-two SPARQL queries to test the query performance of the OWL 2 reasoners. The SPARQL Queries are available at
We have provided an executable jar file that generates the datasets with default configurations (used in the experiments). In order to execute this Jar file, user need to give the inputs (in the same order): Number of Universities, Required OWL 2 Profile, and Seed (optional).
For eg. :
java -jar OWL2Bench.jar 1 DL 1 (where 1 is the number of universities, DL is OWL 2 profile and 1 is the default seed value)
Number of universities makes the ABox scalable. By default, the number of ABox axioms for 1 university is approximately 50,000 that reaches upto 14,000,000 for 200 universities.
To execute OWL2Bench.jar make sure the TBox for all profiles (UNIV-BENCH-OWL2EL.owl, UNIV-BENCH-OWL2QL.owl, UNIV-BENCH-OWL2RL.owl, UNIV-BENCH-OWL2DL.owl) and excel file for random names RandomNames.xlsx is present in the same directory as jar file.
We are also providing the java code (if user wants to change the configurations/density of each node) for ABox generation. User can download the project repository OWL2Bench. After downloading user just need to import this maven project and then user can change the min-max variables in file and run with arguments : Number of Universities, Required OWL 2 Profile and Seed (same as above). Required files are already present in the project directory.
The output files are stored in files with names such as "OWL2"+ Profile + "-" + Number of Universities + ".owl" .
For example. On executing using the arguments given in examples above, output files would be OWL2DL-1.owl, OWL2QL-1.owl, OWL2EL-10.owl, OWL2RL-100.owl.
The datasets used for the experiments (in RDF/XML Format) are available at .
For the next version of OWL2Bench, we plan to be able to customize the TBox for each profile rather than having a fixed TBox. We also plan to extend this by providing an option to the users to choose the desired hardness level (easy, medium, and hard) of the ontology with respect to the reasoning time and OWL2Bench will then generate such an ontology.
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