This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places. See sources and examples!
Simple and fast Parser lines in separate tunes and numbers for Arduino
- works with the indicated buffer (line), does not create its own
- shares the line for tuning according to the specified symbol
- allows you to contact tunes, transfer them into numbers and compare with lines
- Access to tunes through []
- can rinse the line into the INT or BYTE array
Compatible with all arduino platforms (used arduino functions)
- [installation] (# Install)
- [initialization] (#init)
- [use] (#usage)
- [Example] (# Example)
- [versions] (#varsions)
- [bugs and feedback] (#fedback)
- The library can be found by the name ** gparser ** and installed through the library manager in:
- Arduino ide
- Arduino ide v2
- Platformio
- [download the library] ( .Zip archive for manual installation:
- unpack and put in * C: \ Program Files (X86) \ Arduino \ Libraries * (Windows X64)
- unpack and put in * C: \ Program Files \ Arduino \ Libraries * (Windows X32)
- unpack and put in *documents/arduino/libraries/ *
- (Arduino id) Automatic installation from. Zip: * sketch/connect the library/add .Zip library ... * and specify downloaded archive
- Read more detailed instructions for installing libraries [here] (
- I recommend always updating the library: errors and bugs are corrected in the new versions, as well as optimization and new features are added
- through the IDE library manager: find the library how to install and click "update"
- Manually: ** remove the folder with the old version **, and then put a new one in its place.“Replacement” cannot be done: sometimes in new versions, files that remain when replacing are deleted and can lead to errors!
`CPP // Transfer Char Array a line, you can specify the Symbol Separate (by the silence ',') GParser (Char* Data); Gparser (Char* Data, Char Newdiv = ',');
`CPP VOID Setdiv (Char Newdiv);// specify the Symbol Separate Void Clear ();// Free the buffer int amount ();// The number of data separated in the package int split ();// divide the line into tunes int32_t getint (int num);// Get Inta from the selected tack Float getfloat (int num);// Get Float from the selected toll Bool Equals (int num, const char* comp);// Compare the tuning with another line int Parsebytes (byte* data);// Parish bytes int parseints (int* data);// Parisulate on Ints Intselongs (LONG* DATA);// Parish on Longs VOID restore ();// Restore the original type of line (return the dividers)
See example ** testils **
`` `CPP // Number of tuning in the list list with DIV separator uint8_t gp_listsize (char* list, char div = ',');
// Divide the list of LIST with the DIV separator into tunes (see example) Char* gp_splitlist (char* list, char div = ',');
// Get a number under which NAME is included in LIST with the DIV separator.-1 if not included int8_t gp_inlist (char* name, char* list, char div = ',');
// Transform int into a line (it works 3-10 times faster LTOA + base) VOID gp_numtochar (int32_t n, char* buf, uint8_t base);
// Transform Float into a line VOID gp_floattoChar (Double F, Char *Buf, Uint8_T Decimals);
// Transfer the line to the number int32_t gp_Chartonum (char* buf, uint8_t base);
// Transform the line into Float Double gp_Chartofloat (Char* buf);
// Get the number under the IDX index in the list list with the DIV separator Ints_numfromlist (Char* List, Intx, Char Div = ',');
// Re -rewrite the list of LIST with the DIV separator in the DATA size array of SIZE uint8_t gp_listonum (char* list, int* data, uint8_t size, char div = ',');
// Transfer text color (0x, #) to the number uint32_t gp_decodecolor (char* hex); `` `
See example ** testicode **
`CPP Char* gp_unencode (int32_t c, char* s);// Unicode code in Char [5] String gp_unencode (uint16_t c);// Unicode code in String uint16_t gp_unistrlen (char* data);// UNICODE Length Line in the number of symbols
See example ** Testurb **
`CPP VOID gp_urlencode (Constation String & S, String & Dest);// Urlencode from String to String String gp_urlencode (const string & s);// Urlencode from String to String (Return) String GP_urldecode (Constation String & S, String & Dest);// urlDecode from String in String String GP_urldecode (Const String & S);// urldecode from String to String (Return)
The rest of the examples look at ** Examples **! `` `CPP // Parser's Test #include <gparser.h>
VOID setup () { Serial.Begin (9600);
// ======================================================= // Line for example // Data is separated by a divider, for example, a comma // can be obtained from Serial/UDP/TCP/MQTT etc. Char Str [] = "1234.3.14, Hello, 4567, Lolkek, Qwerty";
// feed the line of the parser, indicate the separator (silence) Gparser data (str, ',');
// Share // ATTENTION!The operation "breaks" the line, replacing the dividers with NULL int am = data.split (); // Get the amount of data
Serial.println (AM);// We display the quantity
// We can turn to the resulting lines as Data [i] or Data.str [i] for (byte i = 0; i <am; i ++) serial.println (Data [i]);
// You can also get them in the form of int and float numbers // Passing the line index Serial.println (Data.getint (0)); Serial.println (Data.getfloat (1));
// can be compared with a string (number of a row, line for comparison) if.equals (2, "Hello")) serial.println ("true"); Else serial.println ("false");
Serial.println ();
// ======================================================== // Fast Parsing of integer data with the divider char str2 [] = "123,456,789,22,333,444"; GParser DATA2 (STR2);// feed the line Parser
// Create an array with the number of cells Data2.amount () - so much data in the package int inti [data2.amount ()];
int am2 = data2.parseints (ints);// spreads to the specified array and will return the number // actually here am2 == Data2.amount () - the amount of data // Display for (byte i = 0; i <am; i ++) serial.println (ints [i]); }
VOID loop () { }
`` `
- V1.0
- V1.1 - added individual parsing tools
- V1.2 - Parsing tools added more tools
- v1.3 - added the ability to restore the line
- V1.3.1 - Fix Warning
- v1.4 - added URL and Unicode coding
- V1.5 - Getint now returns int32_t
Create ** Issue ** when you find bugs, but better immediately write to the mail [] (mailto: The library is open for refinement and your ** pull Request ** 'ow!
When reporting about bugs or incorrect work of the library, it is necessary to indicate:
- The version of the library
- What is MK used
- SDK version (for ESP)
- version of Arduino ide
- whether the built -in examples work correctly, in which the functions and designs are used, leading to a bug in your code
- what code has been loaded, what work was expected from it and how it works in reality
- Ideally, attach the minimum code in which the bug is observed.Not a canvas of a thousand lines, but a minimum code