Test Case | Input | Expected Result |
Valid input | Name: "Alice", Surname: "Smith", Birthdate: 1990-01-01, Nationality: "British" | Person created successfully |
Empty name | Name: "", Surname: "Smith", Birthdate: 1990-01-01 | IllegalArgumentException : "Name cannot be empty" |
Future birthdate | Birthdate: 2030-01-01 | IllegalArgumentException : "Birthdate cannot be in the future" |
Null birthdate | Birthdate: null |
IllegalArgumentException : "Birthdate cannot be null" |
Test Case | Input (Birthdate) | Expected Result |
Exactly 18 years old | Today - 18 years | true |
Less than 18 years old | Today - 17 years | false |
More than 18 years old | Today - 19 years | true |
Test Case | Input (Nationality) | Expected Result |
European nationality | "Austrian" | true |
Non-European nationality | "American" | false |
Case-insensitivity test | "austrian" | true |
Test Case | Input (Degree) | Expected Result |
Doctorate | Degree.DOCTORATE |
true |
Master's degree | Degree.MASTER |
true |
Undergraduate degree | Degree.GRADUATE |
false |
No degree | Degree.NONE |
false |
Test Case | Input (Birthdate) | Expected Result |
Recent birthday | Today - 25 years | 25 |
Upcoming birthday | Today - 25 years + 1 day | 24 |
Leap year birthdate | 2000-02-29 | Correct age (e.g., 24 ) |