chmod +x
Please install following ros-melodic packages with their version number.
sudo apt install ros-noetic-libfranka
Copy the folder from
to inside the$HBP/Models
Copy all the folders from
to inside the$HBP/GazeboRosPackages/src/
Copy the folder from
to inside the/.opt/nrpStorage
Then, open terminal and go the the GazeboRosPackages folder
cd $HBP/GazeboRosPackages
then install all dependencies for panda_simulation package by typing the following code
rosdep install panda_simulation
To create symlinks both in ~/.gazebo/models (for Gazebo) and ${HBP}/gzweb/http/client/assets (for the web). Please run the following code in the terminal.
Finally, you can compile the workspace by typing
catkin build