This repository contains the NRP experiment to integrate the robobrain in a mouse closed-loop experiment. It consists of the experiment files and the model description. A short video demo of the experiment setup is located in the media folder.
To run the experiment:
create a symbolic link in $HBP/Models to the model
ln -s /ABS_PATH/robobrain_nrp/model/robobrain_mouse_with_joystick $HBP/Models/robobrain_mouse_with_joystick
Create symlinks for your NRP models with
create a symbolic link in your NRP workspace to the experiment
ln -s /ABS_PATH/robobrain_nrp/nrp_experiment/robobrain_mouse_exp $HOME/.opt/nrpStorage/robobrain_mouse_exp
Start the NRP and you will find the experiment in your experiments list with the name "Robobrain Holodeck NRP Experiment"