English | 中文
Cross-Server Chat Plugin based on BungeeCord
- √ Minecraft Vanilla Style
- √ Won't effect message processing plugin on proxied server
- √ Support Private Chat
Put jar
file into /plugins
folder in your Bungeecord server (not proxied server).
Usage: /bcmsg <PlayerName> <Message>
Description: Private chat across servers
Aliases: /men
Usage: /mention <PlayerName> <Message>
Description: Mention someone
Aliases: /r
Usage: /bcr <on/off>
Description: Enable/disable cross-server message communication
# Default Config
# Enable or disable some features
# If you want to enable, set to true
# If you want to disable, set to false
playerJoinMessage: true
playerLeaveMessage: true
bannedWords: false
# Customsize your own message template
# You can translate all the messages to your language here
# Freely to use color code
playerJoinMessage: '§a§l+ §r%0% joined the server group' # %0% will be replaced by player's name
playerLeaveMessage: '§8§l- §r%0% left the server group' # %0% will be replaced by player's name
wrongCommand: '§c§lError: §rWrong command syntax!'
playerNotFound: '§c§lError: §rPlayer§l %0% §rnot found!' # %0% will be replaced by player's name
sendBannedWords: 'You can nott send the word [ %0% ], it has been banned by your server operator.' # %0% will be replaced by banned word
playerRSOn: 'You will receive messages from anywhere.'
playerRSOff: 'You will only receive messages from your server.'
# The words you want to prevent players to send, require to enable bannedWords feature
- 'Fuck'
- 'Shit'