Advance Method To Hack Mobile Or Pc Front (Selfie) Camera With A Link.
See This Image :-
The tool generates a malicious HTTPS page using Serveo or Ngrok Port Forwarding methods, and a javascript code to cam requests using MediaDevices.getUserMedia.
The MediaDevices.getUserMedia() method prompts the user for permission to use a media input which produces a MediaStream with tracks containing the requested types of media. That stream can include, for example, a video track (produced by either a hardware or virtual video source such as a camera, video recording device, screen sharing service, and so forth), an audio track (similarly, produced by a physical or virtual audio source like a microphone, A/D converter, or the like), and possibly other track types.
See more about MediaDEvices.getUserMedia() here
To convince the target to grant permissions to access the cam, the page uses a javascript code made by that turns the favicon into a cam stream.
01. Work in Termux and Kali Linux
02. Distract Victim To your favovrite website
03. Hide your link with 4th url shortener
+-+ You will get victim .../p>
04. Ip
05. User-Agent
06. Hostname
07. Reverse DNS
08. Continent
09. Country
10. Capital
11. State
12. City Location
13. Country Language
14. Country IDD Code
15. Time Zone
16. Local Time (Now)
17. Sunrise / Sunset (Today)
18. ISP
19. AS Number
20. Address Speed
21. Currency
And More...
git clone
cd Cam-Hack
chmod +x *
Before use Serveo You must check that Is Serveo enable. Check it in this site
If you use Ngrok in termux, You must enable Hotspot. Otherwise Ngrok doesn't generate a link.
If you use any part from this code, giving me the credits. Read the Lincense!
Any Problem Or Issues Email for this Email Address Or My Telegram Bot
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This tool created By |SASI|