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File metadata and controls

91 lines (65 loc) · 3.03 KB

Lesson Plan

Part 1

Adding Event Handlers (15 min)

  • Passing event handlers as Props
  • event handler naming conventions

Managing Form Inputs (15 min)

  • Adding form inputs
  • Submitting inputs
  • Performing simple input validation

Rendering multiple components (10 min)

  • Rendering components using map()
  • key property

Part 2

Introduction to Hooks (10 min)

  • Rules of Hooks
  • Life cycles
  • Effects for synchronization

How to use useEffect (15 min)

  • Usage of useEffect
  • dependencies of effect (onMount)
  • cleanup after effect

Connecting to APIs (10 min)

  • Calling async APIs using effects
  • Implementing initial page load with loading wheel

Introduction to Meal Sharing app (5 min)


Part 1

1. Create a ClickCounter component (10 minutes)

  1. Create a new component called ClickCounter.
  2. Use the useState hook to manage a count state variable.
  3. Implement an onClick event handler function that increments the count.
  4. Render a button and display the current value of count.

2. Build a SimpleForm component (15 minutes)

  1. Create a new component called SimpleForm.
  2. Use the useState hook to manage the state of form inputs.
  3. Create input fields for the form (e.g., name, email, message).
  4. Implement a handleSubmit function to handle form submission.
  5. Render the form inputs and a submit button.

3. Develop a TodoList component (20 minutes)

  1. Create a new component called TodoList.
  2. Use the useState hook to manage an array of todo items.
  3. Implement a function to add a new todo item to the array.
  4. Implement a function to remove a todo item from the array.
  5. Render a list of todo items using the .map method, ensuring each item has a unique key prop.
  6. Render an input field to add new todos and buttons/functionality to remove todos.

Part 2

4. Create a Clock component (15 minutes)

  1. Create a new component called Clock.
  2. Use the useState hook to manage the current time.
  3. Use the useEffect hook to set up an interval that updates the time every second.
  4. Implement the cleanup function in useEffect to clear the interval when the component unmounts.
  5. Render the current time in the component.

5. Build a DataFetcher component (15 minutes)

  1. Create a new component called DataFetcher.
  2. Use the useState hook to manage the data, loading, and error states.
  3. Use the useEffect hook to fetch data from a public API when the component mounts.
  4. Implement loading and error states in the component's JSX.
  5. Render the fetched data when it's available.

6. Develop a WindowResizer component (15 minutes)

  1. Create a new component called WindowResizer.
  2. Use the useState hook to manage the window size.
  3. Use the useEffect hook to set up an event listener for the resize event.
  4. Update the window size state whenever the resize event is triggered.
  5. Implement the cleanup function in useEffect to remove the event listener when the component unmounts.
  6. Render the current window size in the component.