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Abby Berkers edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 9 revisions

Since b0.6.10

Root file

If TeXiFy does not guess your root file(s) correctly, you can help TeXiFy by using the root magic comment to point TeXiFy to a root file. For example, use %! root = main.tex in a file that is included by main.tex, when TeXiFy cannot figure out that main.tex is a root file of this file.

Language injection

Custom preamble for math and tikz preview

See Preview.

Switching parser off and on

If you want to temporarily switch off the parser for a part of your LaTeX, for example because there is a parse error which is causing other problems in your files, you can use the magic comments %! parser = off and %! parser = on to avoid parsing the text between these two comments. The syntax % !TeX parser = off is also supported.

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