This repo is used to build the Eclipse SDK which provides the framework for Eclipse based applications, the Java development tooling and the Plug-in development tooling. To clone it, it is recommended to use one of the URLs found on the following website:
An anonymous clone can be done via the following commands:
git clone
cd eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator
git submodule update --init --recursive
The latter command will clone all submodules.
To run a complete build, on your local machine, run the following commands.
The -DskipTests=true
will skip the tests which take a significant time to run, e.g., up to 10 hours.
# clean up "dirt" from previous build see Bug 420078
git submodule foreach git clean -f -d -x
git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD
git clean -f -d -x
git reset --hard HEAD
# update master and submodules
git checkout master
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update
# run the build
mvn clean verify -DskipTests=true
# find the results in
# eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/target/products
To compile the build itself with a custom compiler perform the follwoing step after cloning the submodules:
# compile local version
mvn clean install -f eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch -DlocalEcjVersion=99.99
# run build with local compiler
mvn clean verify -DskipTests=true -Dcbi-ecj-version=99.99
The build commands require the installation and setup of Java 17 or higher and Maven version 3.5.4 or higher. See also the complete instructions on the Platform Build wiki. Note, it is highly recommended to use toolchains.xml and -Pbree-libs as decribed in Using BREE Libs.
The integrations (nightly) build jobs are hosted on Jenkins instance
The job with the highest release number is the one that builds nightly SDK build, like job for 4.27 SDK.
- The build artifacts and test results are accessible at
- If the tests fail to start, test jobs for each platform can be found at
- If the build is successful but SDK is broken and shouldn't be used, the build can be marked as unstable via
- Weekly maven snapshots are built on Jenkins and available at
See Releng-Tasks 2.0 (includes links to schedule, calendar etc)
Contributions to Eclipse Platform are most welcome. There are many ways to contribute, from entering high quality bug reports, to contributing code or documentation changes. For a complete guide, see
Eclipse Platform Project committers should also read Automated Platform Builds.
Release Engineers should also be familiar with other documents on the Releng Wiki.