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Week 8

Lecture 1: K-Nearst Neighbors (kNN)

  • Supervised learning algorithm: training data is labeled
  • Non-parametric method: no assumptions about the data
  • Lazy learning algorithm: all computation is deferred until classification
  • Instance-based learning algorithm: the function is approximated locally
  • Majority voting algorithm: the class label is assigned to the majority of the k nearest neighbors

Why kNN?

  • Simplest of all classification algorithms
  • Easy to implement
  • No explicit training phase
  • Algorithm does not perform any generalization of the training data

When to use kNN?

  • Nonlinear decision boundaries between classes
  • Large data set

Input Features

Can be both quantitative and qualitative


  • Outputs are categorical values (classes of the data)
  • It explains a categorical variable using the majority votes of the k nearest neighbors.


  • Being non-parametric, it makes no assumptions about the underlying data
  • Select the parameter k based on the data
  • Requires a distance metric to define proximity between data points (Eg: Euclidean distance, Mahalanobis distance, Hamming distance, etc.)


  1. Compute the distance metric between the test data point and all the labeled data points
  2. Order the labeled data points in increasing order of this distance metric
  3. Select the top k labeled data points and look at their class labels
  4. Find the class label that the majority of these k labeled data points have and assign it to the test data point

Things to consider

  • Parameter selection (k)
    The best choice of k depends on the data
    • Larger values of k reduce the effect of noise on classification, but make boundaries between classes less distinct
    • Small values of k make classification boundaries more specific, but noise in the data is more likely to cause misclassification
  • Prescence of noise
  • Feature selection and scaling
    • Remove irrelevant features
    • When the no. of features is too large and redundant, feature extraction is required
    • If features are carefully chosen, classification will be better
  • Curse of dimensionality (as the no. of features increases, the no. of data points required to generalize accurately grows exponentially)

Lecture 2: K-nearest neighbours implementation in R

See the code here

Lecture 3: K-means Clustering

  • One of the simplest unsupervised learning algorithms
  • A technique to parition N observations into K clusters (K <= N) in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean
  • Works well for all distance metrics where mean is defined (Eg: Euclidean distance)

Description of K-means clustering

Given N observations ($x_1, x_2, ..., x_N$), K-means clustering will partition N observations into K sets (or clusters) S = {$s_1, s_2, ..., s_K$} so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS) defined by:

$$ WCSS = \sum_{i=1}^{K} \sum_{x \in S_i} \left| x - \mu_i \right|^2 $$

where $\mu_i$ is the mean of points in $S_i$.


  1. Randomly choose two points as the initial cluster centers
  2. Compute the distance of each point from the cluster centers and group the closest ones
  3. Compute the new mean and repeat step 2
  4. If the change in mean is negligible OR no reassignment of points is required, stop. Else, repeat steps 2 and 3

Determining no. of clusters (K)

  • Elbow method

    • looks at percentage of variance explained as a function of no. of clusters (K)
    • The point where marginal decrease plateaus is an indicator of the optimal no. of clusters
  • Dendogram

Disadvantages of K-means clustering

  • Could converge to a local minima, therefore role of initial cluster centers is very important
  • If the clusters are not spherical, then K-means can fail to identify the correct no. of clusters

Lecture 4: K-means implementation in R

See the code here