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A ChangeFly Code Challenge in Flutter.


(For some reason the animation speed in the gif does not match the actual speed)

This Flutter App has 4 different Launch Screens (or Splash Screens) each with different styles

LaunchScreen1: Static image

LaunchScreen2: gif

LaunchScreen3: FadeInImage()

LaunchScreen4: Animations + FadeInImage()

and ends with a Home screen.


In the main.dart file there is a Stateful widget and in its build function it returns a MaterialApp. Within the MaterialApp properties we use the the routes: to produce named routes to navigate through each of the launch screens.

void main(){...}

class ChangeflyApp extends StatefulWidget {...}

class _ChangeflyAppState extends State<ChangeflyApp> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        routes: {
            '/': (BuildContext context) => LaunchScreen1(),
            '/LaunchScreen2': (BuildContext context) => LaunchScreen2(),
            '/LaunchScreen3': (BuildContext context) => LaunchScreen3(),
            '/LaunchScreen4': (BuildContext context) => LaunchScreen4(),
            '/HomeScreen': (BuildContext context) => HomeScreen(),

The forward slash '/' string is considered the initial route. Then named routes for each launch screen and the home screen.

Also for error handling I used onUnknownRoute: just in case an error happens when navigating to each route.

onUnknownRoute: (RouteSettings setting) {
        return MaterialPageRoute(
          builder: (BuildContext context) => HomeScreen(),


In this file I start off with a Stateful widget and it's state class initState() is used to asynchronously start the startTime() function and in it we have the Duration method which will expire LaunchScreen1 in 3 seconds and returns Timer(_duration, _navigationPage), a count-down timer that ends the LaunchScreen1 class and navigates to /LaunchScreen2 using _navigationPage function as a reference which uses the named route.

The following code is what gives it the Launch Screen (or Splash Screen) effect:

  void initState() {

  startTime() async {
    var _duration = new Duration(seconds: 3);
    return new Timer(_duration, _navigationPage);

  void _navigationPage() {

Customizing the build function is what gives each Launch screen its unique style. In the build function, it returns a Scaffold with body: Center and a child: Column then in its childern: property I give it 2 images using Image.asset()widget.

The following code is what gives LaunchScreen1 its style of a static image launch screen.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              scale: 4.0,
              scale: 2.5,

For Decoration Purposes, I scaled the images to a smaller size with scale: to give it a better look.


In launch_screen2.dart file, just as launch_screen1.dart file, it starts with the same code in its State class but its Duration method is different with Duration(milliseconds: 1800) making this launch screen shorter. As well as its named route is different which will lead to /LaunchScreen3

  void initState() {

  startTime() async {
    var _duration = new Duration(milliseconds: 1800);
    return new Timer(_duration, _navigationPage);

  void _navigationPage() {

In its build function, it has a similar structure to Launchscreen1 but instead of using images I used a .gif file. Produced by screen recording the Changefly website using Snagit then using Adobe Premiere Pro to convert the .mp4 file to a high quality .gif file then added into my assets folder.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
            Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(25.0))

For Decoration Purposes, Padding was used to move the gif asset towards the center since the recording was not symmetrically centered making the animation in the gif asset seem more at the bottom.


Same launch screen effect with the difference in Duration(seconds: 2) and different named route to lead to /LaunchScreen4.

  void initState() {

  startTime() async {
    var _duration = new Duration(seconds: 2);
    return new Timer(_duration, _navigationPage);

  void _navigationPage() {

In its build function, it has a similar structure to the launch screens before but the Center widget is now inside the Column widget in order to center the FadeInImage() widget to the middle of the screen. FadeInImage() widget is an Image that shows a placeholder image while the target image is loading, then fades in the new image when it loads. So in this code the Changefly cube is the placeholder image that fades out then the Changefly name fades in.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      body: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
            child: FadeInImage(
              placeholder: AssetImage('assets/changefly_cube.png'),
              image: AssetImage('assets/changefly_name.png'),
              height: 200.0,
              width: 200.0,
              fadeOutDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 800),

For Decoration Purposes, in FadeInImage() widgets's properties I've added height: and width: to scale the images to a smaller size. Also fadeOutDuration: was used to fade out the placeholder image with a duration of 800 milliseconds.


In the launch_screen4.dart file we still have the same launch screen effect with the difference in Duration(seconds: 3) and navigates to /HomeScreen but now not only with the FadeInImage() widget but also with animations added. Starting with a Stateful widget, the State class has TickerProviderStateMixin for the multiple of AnimationController in the class.

class _LaunchScreen4State extends State<LaunchScreen4>
    with TickerProviderStateMixin {

In the State class we will have:

  • 3 Animation<double> variables

  • 3 AnimationController variables

    Animation<double> cubeTopAnimation;
    AnimationController cubeTopController;
    Animation<double> cubeRightAnimation;
    AnimationController cubeRightController;
    Animation<double> cubeLeftAnimation;
    AnimationController cubeLeftController;
  • 3 Tween() animations with 3 CurvedAnimation() classes in the initState()

    void initState() {
      * With `AnimationController()` we can use the `duration:` property
      * to control the durations of the animation
      cubeTopController = AnimationController(
        duration: Duration(  
          milliseconds: 1500,
        * According to the Flutter docs:
        * To create an AnimationController in a class that uses this
        * (TickerProviderStateMixin) mixin, pass `vsync: this` to the 
        * animation controller constructor whenever you create a new 
        * animation controller.
        vsync: this,  
      * `Tween()` is a linear interpolation between a beginning and 
      * ending value. Values here make the images slide from outside
      * screen into the center.
      cubeTopAnimation = Tween(
        begin: -400.0,
        end: 0.0,
      * After tween we use the `animate` method so we can add the
      * `CurvedAnimation()` class in it, giving the animation a
      * non-linear curve, we can access ohter types of curves in the
      * `curve:` property, here we use `Curves.bounceInOut` to give
      * the animation a bouncing effect. `parent:` is used to access
      * the AnimationsController's duration property.
        parent: cubeTopController,
        curve: Curves.bounceInOut,
      cubeRightController = AnimationController(
        duration: Duration(
          milliseconds: 1500,
        vsync: this,
      cubeRightAnimation = Tween(
        begin: -400.0,
        end: 0.0,
        parent: cubeRightController,
        curve: Curves.bounceInOut,
      cubeLeftController = AnimationController(
        duration: Duration(
          milliseconds: 1500,
        vsync: this,
      cubeLeftAnimation = Tween(
        begin: -400.0,
        end: 0.0,
        parent: cubeLeftController,
        curve: Curves.bounceInOut,
      * Accessing the `AnimationController` method, I use `forward()`
      * to play the animation towards the `end:`
  • 3 AnimatedBuilder() to build the animations

  • 3 Positioned() widgets

    * I Customized 3 widgets so that the `build` function can be easier 
    * to read.
    * In the `AnimatedBulder()` property, `builder:`, I used the `Positioned()`
    * widget in order to position the differnt cube images with it's `top:`,
    * `right:` and `left:` properties.
    Widget buildCubeTopAnimation() {
      return AnimatedBuilder(
        animation: cubeTopAnimation,
        builder: (context, child) {
          return Positioned(
            child: child,
            top: cubeTopAnimation.value, // `double` value that has the `begin:` and `end:` values
            right: 0.0,
            left: 0.0,
        child: Image.asset('assets/changefly_cube_top.png'),
    Widget buildCubeRightAnimation() {
      return AnimatedBuilder(
        animation: cubeRightAnimation,
        builder: (context, child) {
          return Positioned(
            child: child,
            top: 0.0,
            right: cubeRightAnimation.value,
            left: 0.0,
        child: Image.asset('assets/changefly_cube_right.png'),
    Widget buildCubeLeftAnimation() {
      return AnimatedBuilder(
        animation: cubeLeftAnimation,
        builder: (context, child) {
          return Positioned(
            child: child,
            top: 0.0,
            right: 0.0,
            left: cubeLeftAnimation.value,
        child: Image.asset('assets/changefly_cube_left.png'),

Finally we move into the build function where it will show the animations and the FadeInImage(). Similar structure to the launch screens before, the build returns a Scaffold() with a body: of Center() and its child: is a Column().

          children: <Widget>[
          * This empty container widget is used to push the animations 
          * and `FadeInImage()` more towards the center since its in a 
          * `Column()` widget
              height: 150.0,
            * The `Stack()` widget is used so that the images/animations 
            * can overlay each other. 
            * We then add our Custimized widgets and also an empty
            * `Container()` into its `children:`. The empty container is
            * used so that the images/animations can overlay the empty
            * container and not the `FadeInImage()` widget
              overflow: Overflow.visible, //So that we dont get an overflow error
              children: <Widget>[
                  width: 200.0, // This value helped shrink the image
                  height: 220.0, // This value helped move the `FadeInImage()` a little lower
            * In the `FadeInImage()` widget, the placeholder is
            * a simple transparent image represented as a Uint8List named
            * `kTransparentImage`. To use, first install the transparent_image
            * package (
            * into your `pubspec.yaml` file. It's a memomry image so the 
            * `MemoryImage()` widget was used.
              placeholder: MemoryImage(kTransparentImage),
              image: AssetImage('assets/changefly_name1.png'),
              height: 250.0,
              width: 250.0,
              //So that the Changefly name comes a moment after the animations
              fadeOutDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1300),
              // Puts the image closer to the animations
              alignment: Alignment.topCenter,


Finally in the HomeScreen there's a Stateless widget with one customized DecorationImage widget, used for making the Changfly cube into a faded background image.

DecorationImage _buildBackgroundImage() {
    return DecorationImage(
      fit: BoxFit.scaleDown,
      colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(
      image: AssetImage('assets/changefly_cube.png'),

For fun, in the build function I added an Appbar() with the title: being the image of the Changefly name, a leading: icon of the Changefly cube and a actions: icon of the Changefly cube also.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Image.asset(
          scale: 3.5,
        centerTitle: true,
        leading: Image.asset('assets/changefly_cube.png'),
        actions: <Widget>[
      body: Container(
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
          image: _buildBackgroundImage(), // For the background image


I changed the Flutter launcher icon to the Changefly cube, as well as the name under the launcher icon.

Click link for instructions to change launcher icon:


Click link for instructions to change launcher name:


For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation.