Note This project is undergoing a major refactorization, stay tune for exciting updates to come.
- Nexment for Vue.js / Web Component
- Nexment for React.js
Visit Nexment documentation site at
Visit Nexment demo site at
- Register / Login LeanCloud
- Create an App in Dashboard
- Go to Your App => LeanStorage tab => Objects
- Create a class named "test" using default settings
- Go to Your App => Settings tab => App keys
- Copy AppID and AppKey
- Configure REST API Server URL. For configuration instructions, see How to Specify API Server URL (Chinese)
- Go to Your App => Settings tab => Security and add your project domain to Web secure domains
Add Nexment to your project dependencies using Yarn:
yarn add nexment
or using NPM:
npm install nexment
Use Nexment in your project:
Import nexment library:
import Nexment from "nexment"
Setup nexment configuration:
const config = {
pageKey: 'xxx' | undefined;
features: {
linkInput: true | false | undefined,
replyListModal: true | false | undefined,
replyEmailNotifications: true | false | undefined,
descriptionTag: true | false | undefined,
} | undefined,
leancloud: {
appId: 'xxx',
appKey: 'xxx',
serverURL: '',
admin: {
name: 'xxx',
email: '',
name: "xxx",
email: "xxx",
keyword: "xxx",
link: "xxx"
keyword: "xxx"
Use the nexment component:
<Nexment config={config} />
Create a Nexment component(Nexment.tsx):
import React from "react";
import Nexment from "nexment";
const Nexment = () => {
const config = {
pageKey: "xxx",
features: {
linkInput: true,
replyListModal: true,
replyEmailNotifications: true,
descriptionTag: true,
leancloud: {
appId: "xxx",
appKey: "xxx",
serverURL: "xxx",
admin: {
name: "xxx",
email: "xxx",
name: "xxx",
email: "xxx",
keyword: "xxx",
link: "xxx"
keyword: "xxx"
return <Nexment config={config} />;
export default Nexment;
import this Nexment component anywhere in your project using "next/dynamic":
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const NexmentDiv = dynamic(() => import("./Nexment"), {
ssr: false,
const Index = () =>{
return (
<NexmentDiv />
export default Index;
Nexment for React has full support for TypeScript type-checking
See Github projects→
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File an issue whenever you encountered a problem, pull requests are always welcomed