This project aims to convert your Pinephone into a Rubber Ducky (hid gadget).
Important: This git repository does not belong to and is not administered by PINE64 community nor Pine Store Ltd.
(just saving my ... from copyright infringements here) :)
- Required Pinephone kernel >= 3.19
This project is not finished, so a couple things are not implemented yet. Todos written in :)
- Mobian (Linux 5.10-sunxi64 aarch64 GNU/Linux) ✔️
- PostmarketOS
⁉️ - DanctNIX (Arch Linux ARM) (Linux 5.16.10-1-danctnix aarch64 GNU/Linux) ✔️
- Gentoo
⁉️ - Fedora
⁉️ - Manjaro ARM (Linux 5.16.7-1-MANJARO-ARM aarch64 GNU/Linux) ✔️
- SkiffOS ✔️
- Ubuntu Touch
git clone
cd PineDucky
Please have a look into setup/ for further instructions on your setup.
After you have done the steps in setup/, you can do a test run. Please look into testing/ for further instructions.
Linux USB gadget configured through configfs
Configfs - Userspace-driven Kernel Object Configuration
Using RPi Zero as a Keyboard
universal Serial Bus HID Usage Tables
Kernel modules
How to blacklist a module on Ubuntu/Debian Linux
Translation to German keyboard layout
USB HID Keyboard scan codes