Maui Check tool
dotnet tool update -g redth.net.maui.check --version 0.6.1 maui-check
Notable Libraries used:
Microsoft .NET Maui
CommunityToolkit for Native Windows integration APIs
ReactiveUI with Blazor for Auto Updating Views based on ViewModel property changes
WindowsAppSdk for Native WinUI3 Shell (However, UI is written in Maui Blazor since Html/Blazor development a choice over XAML development with Maui Controls)
Polly for Resilience (handling HTTP 409 etc)
Microsoft.Extensions for Configuration, Dependency Injection, Logging
MediatR for Mediator Pattern with CQRS Core layer
Heroes.ReplayParser for Parsing Heroes of the Storm files.
TwitchLib for Auto Predictions (But should defer these calls to the deployed heroes profile api to manage?)
Blazorise for Blazor Components styled to Bootstrap
NetDiscordRpc for Discord Rich Presence
FluentValidation for User input
Code smells and thoughts that need reviewing
- Views without ViewModels
- ViewModels without ReactiveUI
- Mediator being used inside Handlers (This is handlers depending on handlers...not good?)
- Handlers should be used for outward facing Commands and Queries only?
- Replace any mediator logic inside handlers with the respective services/repositories?
- Who calls the Publish if its not from a Handler?
- The right "entry point / location" for UI App initialization logic and background Tasks.