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Output Info Hero Data

koliva8245 edited this page Nov 14, 2019 · 8 revisions


For scale values (life, weapon damage, abilities, talents, etc...), it is always a decimal value. Multiplying it by 100 will give the scaling as a percentage (0.04 as 4%).

To calculate a value at a certain level use the following formula:

BaseValue × (1 + ScalingPercent/100)^Level 
BaseValue × (1 + scale)^Level

Note: BaseValue is a level 0 (starting value) not a level 1 value


Ragnaros life at level 0 = 2000
For level 3 Ragnaros

2000 × (1 + 0.04)^3 = 2249.728 ≈ 2250 life

Scaling for Mana

Mana and mana regeneration do not scale at each level. Instead they both receive a flat amount increase at each level, starting at level 2 (going from 1 to 2) which is based on veterancy data.

Mana: +10
Mana Regeneration: +0.0976


Level 3 Ragnaros will have the following
Mana: 520  
Mana Regeneration: 3.1952 ≈ 3.20

Other Properties

Hero Id

Each hero group starts with the hero id


The hero's real name.


Always has the "Hero" prefix. Can be used to identify the heroes in the replay files as the hero's real names are localized.


The hyperlinkId is usually the hero's "real" name without punctuation or spaces. Majority of the time it's the same as their "real" name.

As an example, for Anub'arak, its hyperlinkId is Anubarak.


Four character identifier. Identifier for bans in the replay file.


Can be used to determine the cost of the hero.


Can be found from the Behavior Veterancy Data when parsing data.


These are found on the Heroes of the Storm website.

Weapon Period

The cooldown of the weapon. To get the attacks per second use the following formula:

1 / period


Ragnaros weapon period is 1.2
1 / 1.2 = 0.83 attacks per second

Ability/Talent - NameId

Identifier for talents in the replay file. For abilities, should be combined with the buttonId to make a unique identifier. If it's an ability, a true unique identifier should be made with nameId, buttonId, abilityType, and isPassive

Ability/Talent - ButtonId

The id for the button. For abilities, should be combined with the nameId to make a unique identifier. If it's an ability, a true unique identifier should be made with nameId, buttonId, abilityType, and isPassive

Ability/Talent - AbilityType

The ability that the ability or talent is associated with. This value should be the same as the ingame value in the top-right corner of the talent tooltips.

Ability/Talent - IsActive

If true, the associated the talent or ability is activable (requires a button press to use). For abilities the default is true.

Talent - IsQuest

Only for talents. If true, the associated AbilityType is a quest.

Talent - AbilityTalentLinkIds

Only for talents. Ability and talent name ids that the talent affects or upgrades. These are the ability tooltip talent expanders for abilities. It's when you hover over an ability and it shows the talent name in yellow text.


Sub-ability example

    "subAbilities": [
        "AbathurEvolveMonstrosity|AbathurEvolveMonstrosityHotbar|Heroic": {
          "heroic": [
              "nameId": "AbathurEvolveMonstrosityActiveSymbiote",
              "buttonId": "EvolveMonstrosityActiveHotbar",
              "name": "Evolve Monstrosity Active",
              "icon": "storm_ui_icon_abathur_evolvemonstrosity.png",
              "cooldownTooltip": "Cooldown: 4 seconds",
              "fullTooltip": "Activate to cast Symbiote on Abathur's Monstrosity.",
              "abilityType": "Heroic"

Evolve Monstrosity Active is the sub-ability with a parent link of AbathurEvolveMonstrosity|AbathurEvolveMonstrosityHotbar|Heroic

The parent link follows the format


If isPassive is false, then it will not show. If there is no abilityType then the parent link is a talent and NOT an ability.

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