Interface CartInterface
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | int32 | Cart/quote ID. | |
CreatedAt | string | Cart creation date and time. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
UpdatedAt | string | Cart last update date and time. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
ConvertedAt | string | Cart conversion date and time. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
IsActive | bool | Active status flag value. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
IsVirtual | bool | Virtual flag value. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
Items | []QuoteDataCartItemInterface | Array of items. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
ItemsCount | int32 | Number of different items or products in the cart. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
ItemsQty | float32 | Total quantity of all cart items. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
Customer | CustomerDataCustomerInterface | ||
BillingAddress | QuoteDataAddressInterface | [optional] | |
ReservedOrderId | string | Reserved order ID. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
OrigOrderId | int32 | Original order ID. Otherwise, null. | [optional] |
Currency | QuoteDataCurrencyInterface | [optional] | |
CustomerIsGuest | bool | For guest customers, false for logged in customers | [optional] |
CustomerNote | string | Notice text | [optional] |
CustomerNoteNotify | bool | Customer notification flag | [optional] |
CustomerTaxClassId | int32 | Customer tax class ID. | [optional] |
StoreId | int32 | Store identifier | |
ExtensionAttributes | QuoteDataCartExtensionInterface | [optional] |