Shipment item interface. A shipment is a delivery package that contains products. A shipment document accompanies the shipment. This document lists the products and their quantities in the delivery package. A product is an item in a shipment.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AdditionalData | string | Additional data. | [optional] |
Description | string | Description. | [optional] |
EntityId | int32 | Shipment item ID. | [optional] |
Name | string | Name. | [optional] |
ParentId | int32 | Parent ID. | [optional] |
Price | float32 | Price. | [optional] |
ProductId | int32 | Product ID. | [optional] |
RowTotal | float32 | Row total. | [optional] |
Sku | string | SKU. | [optional] |
Weight | float32 | Weight. | [optional] |
ExtensionAttributes | map[string]interface{} | ExtensionInterface class for @see \Magento\Sales\Api\Data\ShipmentItemInterface | [optional] |
OrderItemId | int32 | Order item ID. | |
Qty | float32 | Quantity. |