Information about an Ecommerce Store's specific Promo Rule.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | string | A unique identifier for the promo rule. If Ecommerce platform does not support promo rule, use promo code id as promo rule id. Restricted to UTF-8 characters with max length 50. | |
Title | string | The title that will show up in promotion campaign. Restricted to UTF-8 characters with max length of 100 bytes. | [optional] |
Description | string | The description of a promotion restricted to UTF-8 characters with max length 255. | |
StartsAt | time.Time | The date and time when the promotion is in effect in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] |
EndsAt | string | The date and time when the promotion ends. Must be after starts_at and in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] |
Amount | float32 | The amount of the promo code discount. If 'type' is 'fixed', the amount is treated as a monetary value. If 'type' is 'percentage', amount must be a decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. | |
Type | string | Type of discount. For free shipping set type to fixed. for more information please, see Model/string.php | |
Target | string | The target that the discount applies to. for more information please, see Model/string.php | |
Enabled | bool | Whether the promo rule is currently enabled. | [optional] |
CreatedAtForeign | time.Time | The date and time the promotion was created in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] |
UpdatedAtForeign | time.Time | The date and time the promotion was updated in ISO 8601 format. | [optional] |