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File metadata and controls

57 lines (39 loc) · 2.91 KB

MIDI Specification

Byte types

Byte structure

Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7

Status byte

Status byte are different from Data byte by LSB:

  • 1 - means Status
  • 0 - means Data

Status byte structure:

1 S S S C C C C

S - status bit

C - chanel № bit

MIDI has 16 channels (4 bits of channel number gives 16 combinations): 0 - 15

Status byte status values

Name Status number (SSS value) Data byte 0 meaning Data byte 1 meaning
Note on 0x9n Note pitch Velocity
(0 - means note off)
Note off 0x8n Note pitch Velocity
(note release velocity)
Pitch controll 0xEn Pitch low 7 bits Pitch high 7 bits
Controll change 0xBn Control lnumber Controll value
Instrument select 0xCn Instrument number Missed

Note: n - channel number (0 - F)

MIDI Controlls

Midi has 9 nostly used controlls:

Controll name Controll number Description
Sound bank selection MSB 0
Sound bank selection LSB 32
Modulation (Vibrato, Tremolo) 1 Sets vibrato value
Volume 7 Sets volume level
Panoramic 10 Sets position of sound source to listener
Expression 11 Like high resolution volume controll. It can be 7 or 14(controll #43 used as MSB) bit resolution
$real \space volume = volume*(2^p)/Expression$
p = 14 or 7 (bits)
Sustain 64 Controlls sustain
0 - no sustain
> 0 - sustain on
All controllers off 121 Clears all controllers values (sets to default values)
All notes off 123 Sets all notes to off