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165 lines (122 loc) · 6.04 KB


npm version Coverage Status License: MIT

Hook ajax request and/or response. Modify header, body, status, credentials, etc in request/response

  • Catch fetch/XMLHttpRequest request before it is sent.
  • Catch fetch/XMLHttpRequest response before it is available to client.
  • Comes with type definitions by Typescript for great developer experience.
  • High test coverage
  • Works in modern browsers and IE9/10/11.


Browser Support

Tested with IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Edge.

You can test this module in your favorite browser by git clone this repo and npm run test or yarn test in it.



Copy /dist/xspy.es5.min.js and load into your <script> tag before any fetch/XMLHttpRequest.

<!-- Rename `xspy.es5.min.js` as you like -->
<script src="xspy.es5.min.js"></script>

Webpack project

npm install xspy -- OR yarn add xspy


const xspy = require("xspy");


import xspy from "xspy";
  • If you encounter an import error, please set "moduleResolution": "node" in tsconfig.json.


Add Authorization header if it doesn't exist on request header

xspy.onRequest((req) => {
    req.headers["Authorization"] = "bearer sakxxd0ejdalkjdalkjfajd";

Return fake API response without sending actual ajax request

xspy.onRequest(async (request, sendResponse) => {
  var result = await someAsyncOperation();
  var response = {...};

Log every response headers to console

xspy.onResponse((req, res) => {
  console.log(res.url, res.status, res.headers);


xspy.onRequest(listener, [n])

  • listener: (request, [callback]) => void
    • request: Request
    • callback: ([response]) => void
      • response: Response
  • n: number

Add custom request listener to index n. (listener at index n=0 will be called first)
If you do not specify n, it appends listener to the last. (Called after all previous listeners finishes.)

This listener will be called just before web request by window.fetch() or xhr.sent() departs from browser.
You can modify the request object(i.e. headers, body) before it is sent. See detail for request object later.

Note that when you supplies listener as 2 parameters function(request and callback), request will not be dispatched until you manually run callback() function in listener.

If you run callback() without any arguments or with non-object value like false, request processing goes forward without generating fake response.

If you run callback(res) with a fake response object, it immediately returns the fake response after all onRequest listeners finishes. In this case, real request never flies to any external network.

xspy.onResponse(listener, [n])

  • listener: (request, response, [callback]) => void
    • request: Request
    • response: Response
    • callback: ([response]) => void
      • response: Response
  • n: number

Add custom response listener to index n. (listener at index n=0 will be called first)
If you do not specify n, it appends listener to the last. (Called after all previous listeners finishes.)

This listener will be called just before API response is available at window.fetch().then(res => ...) or xhr.onreadystatechange, and so on.
You can modify the response object before it is available to the original requester. See detail for response object later.

Note that when you supplies listener as 3 parameters function(request, response and callback), response will not be returned to the original requester until you manually run callback() function in listener.

If you supply response to callback, supplied response will be provided to user scripts.


*When xspy module is loaded from <script> tag or import/require, it is enabled by default.

Enable spying on request/response by window.fetch() and/or xhr.send(). When enabled, window.fetch and XMLHttpRequest is replaced by extended function/object to intercept communications.


Disable spying on request/response. window.fetch and XMLHttpRequest will be set back to original ones.
Note that request/response listeners are not cleared and stored in memory.


Properties of Request object can be edited in request listener. Some properties are only available for specific ajaxType.

  • ajaxType: string - "xhr" or "fetch". Indicating whether request is dispatched from fetch() or xhr.send().
  • method: string - Request method like GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/...
  • url: string - Request url.
  • timeout: number - Ignored if ajaxType is fetch
  • headers: Object - i.e. {"Authorization": "auth-strings", "content-type": "application/json"}
  • body: Various types - Request body. It can be undefined if original requester does not set request body.

And if ajaxType is xhr

  • async username password responseType withCredentials upload

And else if ajaxType is fetch

  • cache credentials integrity keepalive mode redirect referrer referrerPolicy signal


Properties of Response object can be edited in response listener. Some properties are only available for specific ajaxType.

  • ajaxType: string - "xhr" or "fetch". Indicating whether response is for fetch().then(res => ...) or xhr.
  • status: number
  • statusText: string
  • headers: Object
  • body?: Various types - Response body

And if ajaxType is xhr

  • responseType response responseText responseXML responseURL

And else if ajaxType is fetch

  • ok redirected type url

Work inspired by