Here, we provide a step-by-step outline of how we built the mm10 HipSTR reference. For more detail about each step, please reference to the corresponding file in the human subdirectory of this repository.
This script begins by using Tandem Repeats Finder to identify repeats on each chromosome and then extensively filters and processes the resulting repeats using standard unix utilities such as grep and awk. It requires an executable version of Tandem Repeats Finder called trf409.legacylinux64. Please download it from the TRF link above and ensure the other utilities are installed before proceeding to the steps below
First, let's download this repository as it contains the scripts we need:
git clone
cd HipSTR-references
Next, let's download the FASTA files for the mm10 reference genome:
mkdir mm10
cd mm10
mkdir raw_fasta trf_results fixed_trf_results
cd raw_fasta
for chrom in $(seq 1 19) X Y
gunzip chr$chrom.fa.gz &
cd ../../
We now use Tandem Repeats Finder to identify repeats on each chromosome:
chmod 755 trf409.legacylinux64
chmod 755 scripts/
for chrom in $(seq 1 19) X Y
echo mm10/raw_fasta/chr$chrom.fa mm10/trf_results 5
done | xargs -L 1 -P 30 ./scripts/
We then filter out repeats with a period longer than 6 and fix a few issues with incorrect TRF entries:
for chrom in $(seq 1 19) X Y
echo scripts/ mm10/trf_results/chr$chrom.fa mm10/fixed_trf_results/chr$chrom.fa
done | xargs -L 1 -P 40 python
We reformat the TRF entries and filter to only include repeats with a sufficiently high score:
for chrom in $(seq 1 19) X Y
files=`echo $files | sed "s/,//"`
python scripts/ $files > filtered_repeats.mm10.bed
bedtools sort -i filtered_repeats.mm10.bed > filtered_repeats.mm10.sorted.bed
Next, we merge overlapping STRs into single entries and filter repeats that fail merging:
python scripts/ filtered_repeats.mm10.sorted.bed pass.mm10 fail.mm10
We then remove any entries within 10bp of a failed merge region:
bedtools window -w 10 -a pass.mm10 -b fail.mm10 -v > pass.mm10.r2
To minimize the effects of nearby STRs on genotyping errors, we extract entries that aren't within 10bp of another entry or are within 10bp of one or more entries that all share the same period
bedtools merge -i pass.mm10.r2 -c 4,6 -o collapse -d 10 | grep -v "," > pass.mm10.r3
bedtools merge -i pass.mm10.r2 -c 4,4,4,6 -o collapse,count_distinct,distinct,collapse -d 10 | grep "," | awk '$5 == 1' | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1, $2, $3, $6, $7}' | sed "s/,/\//g" >> pass.mm10.r3
Lastly, we construct the final reference for mm10 and delete the temporary files we created along the way
cat pass.mm10.r3 | bedtools sort | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1, $2, $3, $4, ($3-$2+1)/$4, "MOUSE_STR_"NR, $5}' > mm10.hipstr_reference.bed
rm -r mm10
rm fail.mm10 filtered_repeats.mm10.bed filtered_repeats.mm10.sorted.bed
rm pass.mm10 pass.mm10.r2 pass.mm10.r3