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React Native binding for iOS ARKit.

Made with React Native Arkit:

  • Homestory: An AI powered interior design assistant (App store)

Tutorial: How to make an ARKit app in 5 minutes using React Native

Sample Project:

Note: ARKit is only supported by devices with A9 or later processors (iPhone 6s/7/SE/8/X, iPad 2017/Pro) on iOS 11. You also need Xcode 9 to build the project.

There is a Slack group that anyone can join for help / support / general questions.

Join Slack

Getting started

$ yarn add react-native-arkit

make sure to use the latest version of yarn (>=1.x.x)

(npm does not work properly at the moment. See #103)

Mostly automatic installation

⚠️ Currently automatic installation does not work as PocketSVG is missing. Follow the manual installation.

$ react-native link react-native-arkit

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modules ➜ add react-native-arkit/ios/RCTARKit.xcodeproj and react-native-arkit/ios/PocketSVG/PocketSVG.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRCTARKit.a and PocketSVG.framework to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. In Tab GeneralEmbedded Binaries+ ➜ Add PocketSVG.framework ios
  5. Run your project (Cmd+R)<
iOS Project configuration

These steps are mandatory regardless of doing a manual or automatic installation:

  1. Give permissions for camera usage. In Info.plist add the following:
<string>Your message to user when the camera is accessed for the first time</string>
  1. ARKit only runs on arm64-ready devices so the default build architecture should be set to arm64: go to Build settingsBuild Active Architecture Only and change the value to Yes.


A simple sample React Native ARKit App

// index.ios.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, View } from 'react-native';
import { ARKit } from 'react-native-arkit';

export default class ReactNativeARKit extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
          style={{ flex: 1 }}
          // enable plane detection (defaults to Horizontal)

          // enable light estimation (defaults to true)
          // get the current lightEstimation (if enabled)
          // it fires rapidly, so better poll it from outside with
          // ARKit.getCurrentLightEstimation()
          onLightEstimation={e => console.log(e.nativeEvent)}

          // event listener for (horizontal) plane detection
          onPlaneDetected={anchor => console.log(anchor)}

          // event listener for plane update
          onPlaneUpdated={anchor => console.log(anchor)}

          // arkit sometimes removes detected planes
          onPlaneRemoved={anchor => console.log(anchor)}

          // event listeners for all anchors, see [Planes and Anchors](#planes-and-anchors)
          onAnchorDetected={anchor => console.log(anchor)}
          onAnchorUpdated={anchor => console.log(anchor)}
          onAnchorRemoved={anchor => console.log(anchor)}

          // you can detect images and will get an anchor for these images
          detectionImages={[{ resourceGroupName: 'DetectionImages' }]}

          onARKitError={console.log} // if arkit could not be initialized (e.g. missing permissions), you will get notified here
            position={{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ width: 0.1, height: 0.1, length: 0.1, chamfer: 0.01 }}
            position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ radius: 0.05 }}
            position={{ x: 0.4, y: 0, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ radius: 0.05, height: 0.1 }}
            position={{ x: 0, y: 0.2, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ topR: 0, bottomR: 0.05, height: 0.1 }}
            position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0.15, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ width: 0.1, height: 0.1, length: 0.1 }}
            position={{ x: 0.4, y: 0.2, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ innerR: 0.03, outerR: 0.05, height: 0.1 }}
            position={{ x: 0, y: 0.4, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ ringR: 0.06, pipeR: 0.02 }}
            position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0.4, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ capR: 0.02, height: 0.06 }}
            position={{ x: 0.4, y: 0.4, z: 0 }}
            shape={{ width: 0.1, height: 0.1 }}
            text="ARKit is Cool!"
            position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0.6, z: 0 }}
            font={{ size: 0.15, depth: 0.05 }}
            position={{ x: 1, y: 3, z: 2 }}
            position={{ x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }}
            eulerAngles={{ x: -Math.PI / 2 }}
            position={{ x: -0.2, y: 0, z: 0, frame: 'local' }}
              scale: 1, // this is deprecated, use the scale property that is available on all 3d objects
              file: 'art.scnassets/ship.scn', // make sure you have the model file in the ios project
            position={{ x: -1, y: 0, z: 0 }}
              x: Math.PI,
              // specify shape by svg! See for details
              pathSvg: `
              <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
                <path d="M50,30c9-22 42-24 48,0c5,40-40,40-48,65c-8-25-54-25-48-65c 6-24 39-22 48,0 z" fill="#F00" stroke="#000"/>
              pathFlatness: 0.1,
              // it's also possible to specify a chamfer profile:
              chamferRadius: 5,
              chamferProfilePathSvg: `
                <path d="M.6 94.4c.7-7 0-13 6-18.5 1.6-1.4 5.3 1 6-.8l9.6 2.3C25 70.8 20.2 63 21 56c0-1.3 2.3-1 3.5-.7 7.6 1.4 7 15.6 14.7 13.2 1-.2 1.7-1 2-2 2-5-11.3-28.8-3-30.3 2.3-.4 5.7 1.8 6.7 0l8.4 6.5c.3-.4-8-17.3-2.4-21.6 7-5.4 14 5.3 17.7 7.8 1 .8 3 2 3.8 1 6.3-10-6-8.5-3.2-19 2-8.2 18.2-2.3 20.3-3 2.4-.6 1.7-5.6 4.2-6.4"/>
              extrusion: 10,

AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactNativeARKit', () => ReactNativeARKit);

<ARKit />-Component


Prop Type Note
debug Boolean Debug mode will show the 3D axis and feature points detected.
planeDetection ARKit.ARPlaneDetection.{ Horizontal | Vertical | HorizontalVertical | None } ARKit plane detection. Defaults to Horizontal. Vertical is available with IOS 11.3
lightEstimationEnabled Boolean ARKit light estimation (defaults to false).
worldAlignment ARKit.ARWorldAlignment.{ Gravity | GravityAndHeading | Camera } ARWorldAlignmentGravity
The coordinate system's y-axis is parallel to gravity, and its origin is the initial position of the device. ARWorldAlignmentGravityAndHeading
The coordinate system's y-axis is parallel to gravity, its x- and z-axes are oriented to compass heading, and its origin is the initial position of the device. ARWorldAlignmentCamera
The scene coordinate system is locked to match the orientation of the camera. Defaults to ARKit.ARWorldAlignment.Gravity. See
origin {position, transition} Usually {0,0,0} is where you launched the app. If you want to have a different origin, you can set it here. E.g. if you set origin={{position: {0,-1, 0}, transition: {duration: 1}}} the new origin will be one meter below. If you have any objects already placed, they will get moved down using the given transition. All hit-test functions or similar will report coordinates relative to that new origin as position. You can get the original coordinates with positionAbsolute in these functions
detectionImages Array<DetectionImage> An Array of DetectionImage (see below), only available on IOS 11.3

An DetectionImage is an image or image resource group that should be detected by ARKit.

See how to add these images.

You will then receive theses images in onAnchorDetected/onAnchorUpdated. See also Planes and Anchors for more details.

DetectionImage has these properties

Prop Type Notes
resourceGroupName String The name of the resource group

We probably will add the option to load images from other sources as well (PRs encouraged).


Event Name Returns Notes
onARKitError ARKiterror will report whether an error occured while initializing ARKit. A common error is when the user has not allowed camera access. Another error is, if you use worldAlignment=GravityAndHeading and location service is turned off
onLightEstimation { ambientColorTemperature, ambientIntensity } Light estimation on every frame. Called rapidly, better use polling. See ARKit.getCurrentLightEstimation()
onFeaturesDetected { featurePoints} Detected Features on every frame (currently also not throttled). Usefull to display custom dots for detected features. You can also poll this information with ARKit.getCurrentDetectedFeaturePoints()
onAnchorDetected Anchor When an anchor (plane or image) is first detected.
onAnchorUpdated Anchor When an anchor is updated
onAnchorRemoved Anchor When an anchor is removed
onPlaneDetected Anchor When a plane anchor is first detected.
onPlaneUpdated Anchor When a detected plane is updated
onPlaneRemoved Anchor When a detected plane is removed

See Planes and Anchors for Details about anchors

Planes and Anchors

ARKit can detect different anchors in the real world:

  • plane horizontal and vertical planes
  • image, image-anchors See DetectionImage
  • face with iphone X or similar (not implemented yet)

You then will receive anchor objects in the onAnchorDetected, onAnchorUpdated, onAnchorRemoved callbacks on your <ARKit />-component.

You can use onPlaneDetected, onPlaneUpdated, onPlaneRemoved to only receive plane-anchors (may be deprecated later).

The Anchor object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
id String a unique id identifying the anchor
type String The type of the anchor (plane, image)
position { x, y, z } the position of the anchor (relative to the origin)
positionAbsolute { x, y, z } the absolute position of the anchor
eulerAngles { x, y, z } the rotation of the plane

If its a plane-anchor, it will have these additional properties:

Property Description
alignment ARKit.ARPlaneAnchorAlignment.Horizontal or ARKit.ARPlaneAnchorAlignment.Vertical
so you can check whether it was a horizontal or vertical plane
extent see
center see


Property type Description
image {name} an object with the name of the image.

Static methods

Static Methods can directly be used on the ARKit-export:

import { ARKit } from 'react-native-arkit'

const result = await ARKit.hitTestSceneObjects(point);

All methods return a promise with the result.

Method Name Arguments Notes
snapshotCamera Take a screenshot without 3d models (will save to Photo Library)
getCameraPosition Get the current position of the ARCamera
getCamera Get all properties of the ARCamera
getCurrentLightEstimation Get current light estimation { ambientColorTemperature, ambientIntensity}
getCurrentDetectedFeaturePoints Get current detected feature points (in last current frame) (array)
focusScene Sets the scene's position/rotation to where it was when first rendered (but now relative to your device's current position/rotation)
hitTestPlanes point, type check if a plane has ben hit by point ({x,y}) with detection type (any of ARKit.ARHitTestResultType). See for further information
hitTestSceneObjects point check if a scene object has ben hit by point ({x,y})
isInitialized boolean check whether arkit has been initialized (e.g. by mounting). See #152 for details
isMounted boolean check whether arkit has been mounted. See #152 for details


This project allows you to work with 3d elements like with usual react-components. We provide some primitive shapes like cubes, spheres, etc. as well as a component to load model-files.

You can also nest components to create new Components. Child-elements will be relative to the parent:

const BigExclamationMark = ({ position, eulerAngles, color = '#ff0000' }) => (
  <ARKit.Group opacity={0.5} position={position} eulerAngles={eulerAngles}>
      position={{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }}
      shape={{ radius: 0.06 }}
      material={{ diffuse: color }}
      position={{ x: 0, y: 0.4, z: 0 }}
      shape={{ topR: 0.1, bottomR: 0.05, height: 0.5 }}
      material={{ diffuse: color }}

// somewhere else

  eulerAngles={{ x: 0.2 }}
  position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0.3, z: -0.2 }}

General props

Most 3d object have these common properties

Prop Type Description
position { x, y, z } The object's position (y is up)
scale Number The scale of the object. Defaults to 1
eulerAngles { x, y, z } The rotation in eulerAngles
id String a unique identifier. Only provide one, if you need to find the node later in hit-testing.
shape depends on object the shape of the object (will probably renamed to geometry in future versions)
material { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel, shaders } the material of the object
transition {duration: 1} Some property changes can be animated like in css transitions. Currently you can specify the duration (in seconds).

Advanced properties:

Prop Type Description
rotation TODO see scenkit documentation
orientation TODO see scenkit documentation
renderingOrder Number Order in which object is rendered. Usefull to place elements "behind" others, although they are nearer.
categoryBitMask Number / bitmask control which lights affect this object
castsShadow boolean whether this object casts shadows
constraint ARKit.Constraint.{ BillboardAxisAll | BillboardAxisX | BillboardAxisY | BillboardAxisZ | None } Constrains the node to always point to the camera

New experimental feature:

You can switch properties on mount or onmount by specifying propsOnMount and propsOnUnmount. E.g. you can scale an object on unmount:

  transition={{duration: 1}}
    scale: 0


Most objects take a material property with these sub-props:

Prop Type Description
diffuse { ...mapProperties } (see below) diffuse
specular { ...mapProperties } (see below) specular
displacement { ...mapProperties } (see below) displacement
normal { ...mapProperties } (see below) normal
metalness number metalness of the object
roughness number roughness of the object
doubleSided boolean render both sides, default is true
litPerPixel boolean calculate lighting per-pixel or vertex litPerPixel
lightingModel ARKit.LightingModel.* LightingModel
blendMode ARKit.BlendMode.* BlendMode
transparencyMode ARKit.TransparencyMode.* TransparencyMode
fillMode ARKit.FillMode.* FillMode
shaders Object with keys from ARKit.ShaderModifierEntryPoint.* and shader strings as values Shader modifiers
colorBufferWriteMask ARKit.ColorMask.* color mask. Set to ARKit.ColorMask.None so that an object is transparent, but receives deferred shadows.

Map Properties:

Prop Type Description
path string Currently require is not supported, so this is an absolute link to a local resource placed for example in .xcassets
color string Color string, only used if path is not provided
wrapS ARKit.WrapMode.{ Clamp | Repeat | Mirror } wrapS
wrapT ARKit.WrapMode.{ Clamp | Repeat | Mirror }  wrapT
wrap ARKit.WrapMode.{ Clamp | Repeat | Mirror }  Shorthand for setting both wrapS & wrapT
translation { x, y, z } Translate the UVs, equivalent to applying a translation matrix to SceneKit's transformContents
rotation { angle, x, y, z } Rotate the UVs, equivalent to applying a rotation matrix to SceneKit's transformContents
scale { x, y, z } Scale the UVs, equivalent to applying a scale matrix to SceneKit's transformContents

<ARKit.Group />

This Object has no geometry, but is simply a wrapper for other components. It receives all common properties like position, eulerAngles, scale, opacity, etc. but no shape or material.

Prop Type
shape { width, height, length, chamfer }

And any common object property (position, material, etc.)

Prop Type
shape { radius }
Prop Type
shape { radius, height }
Prop Type
shape { topR, bottomR, height }
Prop Type
shape { width, height, length }
Prop Type
shape { innerR, outerR, height }
Prop Type
shape { ringR, pipeR }
Prop Type
shape { capR, height }
Prop Type
shape { width, height }

Notice: planes are veritcally aligned. If you want a horizontal plane, rotate it around the x-axis.


This is a horizontal plane that only receives shadows, but is invisible otherwise:

    eulerAngles={{ x: Math.PI / 2 }}
      color: '#ffffff',
      lightingModel: ARKit.LightingModel.Constant,
      colorBufferWriteMask: ARKit.ColorMask.None,
      width: 100,
      height: 100,
Prop Type
text String
font { name, size, depth, chamfer }

<ARKit.Model />

SceneKit only supports .scn and .dae formats.

Prop Type
model { file, node, scale, alpha }

Objects currently don't take material property.

<ARKit.Shape />

Creates a extruded shape by an svg path. See #89 for details

Prop Type
shape { pathSvg, extrusion, pathFlatness, chamferRadius, chamferProfilePathSvg, chamferProfilePathFlatness }

Place lights on the scene!

You might set autoenablesDefaultLighting={false} on The <ARKit /> component to disable default lighting. You can use lightEstimationEnabled and ARKit.getCurrentLightEstimation() to find values for intensity and temperature. This produces much nicer results then autoenablesDefaultLighting.

Prop Type Description
position { x, y, z }
eulerAngles { x, y, z }
type any of ARKit.LightType see here for details
color string the color of the light
temperature Number The color temperature of the light
intensity Number The light intensity
lightCategoryBitMask Number/bitmask control which objects are lit by this light
castsShadow boolean whether to cast shadows on object
shadowMode `ARKit.ShadowMode.* Define the shadowmode. Set to ARKit.ShadowMode.Deferred to cast shadows on invisible objects (like an invisible floor plane)

Most properties described here are also supported:

This feature is new. If you experience any problem, please report an issue!

HOCs (higher order components)


this hoc allows you to create 3D components where the position is always relative to the same point on the screen/camera, but sticks to a plane or object.

Think about a 3D cursor that can be moved across your table or a 3D cursor on a wall.

You can use the hoc like this:

const Cursor3D = withProjectedPosition()(({positionProjected, projectionResult}) => {
  if(!projectionResult) {
    // nothing has been hit, don't render it
    return null;
  return (
      transition={{duration: 0.1}}
        radius: 0.1

It's recommended that you specify a transition duration (0.1s works nice), as the position gets updated rapidly, but slightly throttled.

Now you can use your 3D cursor like this:

Attach to a given detected horizontal plane

Given you have detected a plane with onPlaneDetected, you can make the cursor stick to that plane:

<Cursor3D projectPosition={{
  x: windowWidth / 2,
  y: windowHeight / 2,
  plane: "my-planeId"

If you don't have the id, but want to place the cursor on a certain plane (e.g. the first or last one), pass a function for plane. This function will get all hit-results and you can return the one you need:

<Cursor3D projectPosition={{
  x: windowWidth / 2,
  y: windowHeight / 2,
  plane: (results) => results.length > 0 ? results[0] : null

You can also add a property onProjectedPosition to your cursor which will be called with the hit result on every frame

It uses with some default options. Please file an issue or send a PR if you need more control over the options here!

Attach to a given 3D object

You can attach the cursor on a 3D object, e.g. a non-horizontal-plane or similar:

Given there is some 3D object on your scene with id="my-nodeId"

<Cursor3D projectPosition={{
  x: windowWidth / 2,
  y: windowHeight / 2,
  node: "my-nodeId"

Like with planes, you can select the node with a function. you have several "walls" with ids "wall_1", "wall_2", etc.

<Cursor3D projectPosition={{
  x: windowWidth / 2,
  y: windowHeight / 2,
  node: results => results.find(r =>'wall_')),

It uses with some default options. Please file an issue or send a PR if you need more control over the options here!


Which permissions does this use?

  • camera access (see section iOS Project configuration above). The user is asked for permission, as soon as you mount an <ARKit /> component or use any of its API. If user denies access, you will get an error in onARKitError
  • location service: only needed if you use ARKit.ARWorldAlignment.GravityAndHeading.

Is there an Android / ARCore version?

Not yet, but there has been a proof-of-concept: #14. We are looking for contributors to help backporting this proof-of-conept to react-native-arkit.

I have another question...

Join Slack!


If you find a bug or would like to request a new feature, just open an issue. Your contributions are always welcome! Submit a pull request and see for guidelines.