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Kevin "Hirato Kirata" Meyer edited this page Nov 25, 2012 · 8 revisions

Entities are split into two sections, Engine side entities and Game side entities. For convenience they are arranged in the order they are defined.

General Editing Tips

All entities have a variable number of attributes, the king of the hill is currently Particles at 8 attributes. These attributes are stores as integers and can have values ranging from INT_MIN to INT_MAX.

For easily editing, you can hold down the respective number of the attribute and scroll to change it. eg, hold 2 and scroll to edit the second attribute

Some entities also have directional components, typically if the first attribute is Yaw, you and hold R and scroll and change the direction in 15 degree increments.

All entities also have a quickedit menu you can access via F3 which will provide additional context and easy means of changing the variables.

The PERIOD key is bound to saycommand /entset (entget) which allows for very quick and easy setting of all entity attributes, do be warned that this method like the above will set them for ALL entities in the selection!

Another handy feature is entloop, If you have a bunch of entities selected and you only want to toy with one of their attributes, and not all of them, you can use entloop to cycle through them individually to make changes. Let's assuming you have hundreds of unique trees selected and you want to give each and everyone a random direction... entloop [ entattr 0 (rnd 360) ]

This also brings us to entattr n [newval], and enttype [newtype], commands which can be used to query the respective detail, or if a new value is provided, to set them



This is a special entity which has no attributes. These are usually the result of a faulty call to change the entity's type.

Empty entities are deleted when their focus is lost, as well as on map save. If they're important to you, it's vital that you change them to something that will stay.


	attr1: Radius
	attr2: Red
	attr3: Green
	attr4: Blue
	attr5: Flags
	attr6: light_# script tag

Map model

	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Index
	attr3: Trigger Type
	attr4: Tag, and level_trigger_# script tag
	attr5: Trigger Radius
	attr6: Colour (broken)

Note that attributes 3, 4, and 5, are leftover relics from the FPS game component that comes with the cube 2 engine and serve no purpose.

Player start

	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Tag

The Tag is a leftover component from the FPS game component that comes with the cube 2 engine, and was used to define the team associated of the entity.

Environment map

	attr1: Radius
	attr2: Size
	attr3: Blur

Size overrides the size as defined by envmapsize, and can be within the range of 4 to 9. The value is otherwise clamped.


	attr1: Type
	attr2: ???
	attr3: ???
	attr4: ???
	attr5: ???
	attr6: ???
	attr7: ???
	attr8: ???

The effects of attributes 2-8 vary wildly based on the value of the type. You can find a description of them and their effects below.

Plume (0-2)

Basic (3-4)

Explosion (5)

Meter (6-7)

Text (8)

Effect (9-15)

Lens-Flare (32-35)

Map Sound

	attr1: Index
	attr2: Radius
	attr3: Fade-Radius


	attr1: Angle


Teleport Destination

	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Tag

Jump pad

	attr1: Z-vel
	attr2: Y-vel
	attr3: X-vel
	attr4: Radius

Checkpoint (Unimplemented)

This entity is currently not functional.


	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Radius
	attr3: Tag

These can be used to spawn arbitrary game entities into the game world via the spawn commands.


	attr1: Tag
	attr2: Radius

Blip (Unimplemented)

This entity is currently not functional.


	attr1: tag
	attr2: yaw
	attr3: pitch
	attr4: roll

The camera entity is only useful in cutscenes. It is used both to mark locations and possible camera configurations. This information is used by cs_action_viewcamera and cs_action_movecamera to manipulate the camera.

For more information, see [Cutscenes].

Platform Route

	attr1: Tag


	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Index


	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Index
	attr3: Quantity


	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Index


	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Index


	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Index


	attr1: Yaw
	attr2: Index
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