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Getting Started

To get started with hobo_vr you need two things: our driver and a poser.

Installing The Driver


You need Steam and SteamVR installed to use our driver

You can download our installers from here.

Building Driver From Source


We assume you are familiar with command line/terminal, and able to run basic commands.

We use CMake to build our driver, so you'll need it installed. (On Windows you'll need the command line version.)

You will also need Git, so make sure it's installed as well. (On Windows you'll need the command line version.)

Now you need to clone our repository:

git clone
cd ./hobo_vr
git submodule init
git submodule update

And since you're building the driver change to it's source directory:

cd ./driver

Building on Linux


The -DINSTALL_X86_DRIVER=1 argument is not optional for 32bit builds, if it is not added you risk installing a 32bit driver into a 64bit target!

You'll need to compile our driver twice, once 32bit and once 64bit. With the Unix Makefiles generator you can use the following commands to generate the build files:

cmake . -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -B "build32" -DINSTALL_X86_DRIVER=1
cmake . -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m64 -B "build64"

To build the driver you need to run these commands:

cmake --build build32 --config Release
cmake --build build64 --config Release

Now you can run these commands to move the built binaries into the driver folder:

cmake --install build32
cmake --install build64

See :ref:`opevr-driver-directories`.

Building on Windows


The -DINSTALL_X86_DRIVER=1 argument is not optional for 32bit builds, if it is not added you risk installing a 32bit driver into a 64bit target!

To build on windows you'll need Visual Studio with C++ desktop development package installed.

You'll need to compile our driver twice, once 32bit and once 64bit. With the Visual Studio 16 2019 generator you can use to following commands to generate the build files:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 . -B "build32" -DINSTALL_X86_DRIVER=1
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 . -B "build64"

To build the driver you need to run these commands:

cmake --build build32 --config Release
cmake --build build64 --config Release

Now you can run these commands to move the built binaries into the driver folder:

cmake --install build32
cmake --install build64

See Openvr Driver Folders.

Installing Your Build


You only need to install your driver build once, unless you move your install directory.

To install your build of the hobo_vr driver, you need to do a few things.

First and foremost locate <your SteamVR install directory>/bin/<your platform>/vrpathreg. It's a binary file tool that will allow you to register your driver build. We'll refer to it as vrpathreg from now on.

Now you need to make sure a different version of our driver is not installed, you can do that by running this vrpathreg command:

vrpathreg show


If you are on Linux and get this error: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, see SteamVR Linux issue#478.

Checking the paths in the External Drivers: section, if any the paths end with hobovr (used by our installers) you need to run this vrpathreg command:

vrpathreg removedriver <path to the other versions of hobo_vr>

Now you can install your build by running yet another vrpathreg command:

vrpathreg adddriver <path to your built driver directory>

Congratulations, you installed your very own build of the hobo_vr driver!

What Is a Poser

A poser is what we call a process that controls our driver. On its own our driver will not do anything, hell it won't even start if a poser process is not running.


You can find poser examples for Python and C++ on our GitHub repository.

But here is a simple example for Python:

import struct
import socket
import math as m
import time

MANAGER_UDU_MSG_t = struct.Struct("130I")
POSE_t = struct.Struct("13f")
CONTOLLER_t = struct.Struct("22f")

# bind and start listening to the poser address
serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
serversocket.bind(('', 6969))
serversocket.listen(2)  # driver connects with 2 sockets

# now lets accept both of them and resolve

print("waiting for driver to connect...")

client_a = serversocket.accept()
client_b = serversocket.accept()

print("waiting for driver resolution...")

resp_a = client_a[0].recv(50)
resp_b = client_b[0].recv(50)

if TERMINATOR in resp_a:
    id_msg_a, resp_a = resp_a.split(TERMINATOR, 1)

if TERMINATOR in resp_b:
    id_msg_b, resp_b = resp_b.split(TERMINATOR, 1)

if id_msg_a == b"hello" and id_msg_b == b"monky":
    tracking_socket = client_a[0]
    manager_socket = client_b[0]

elif id_msg_b == b"hello" and id_msg_a == b"monky":
    tracking_socket = client_b[0]
    manager_socket = client_a[0]

    print("bad connection")



input("press anything to start...")

# tell the manager about current device setup

device_list = MANAGER_UDU_MSG_t.pack(
    20,  # HobovrManagerMsgType::Emsg_uduString
    3,   # 3 devices - 1 hmd, 2 controllers
    0, 13,  # device description
    1, 22,  # device description
    1, 22,  # device description
    *np.zeros((128 - 2 * 3), dtype=int)

manager_socket.sendall(device_list + SEND_TERMINATOR)

    i = 0
    while 1:
        controller_z = m.sin(i / 180 * m.pi) * 3
        right_pose = pose = CONTOLLER_t.pack(
            0.2, 0, controller_z,
            1, 0, 0, 0,
            int(i < 10), 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

        left_pose = CONTOLLER_t.pack(
            -0.2, 0, controller_z,
            0, 0, 0, -1,
            int(i < 10), 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

        hmd_pose = POSE_t.pack(
            int(i < 10), 0, 0,
            int(controller_z <= 0), 0, -int(controller_z > 0), 0,
            int(i < 10), 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0

            hmd_pose + right_pose + left_pose + SEND_TERMINATOR

        time.sleep(1 / 60)

        i += 1

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("interrupted, exiting...")

# the end, time to die ^-^



How It Works

For a process to be acknowledged as a poser by our driver, it needs to bind and listen on tcp://, and then accept 2 sockets. The two sockets will identify themselves with "hello\n" and "monky\n" as the first message sent after establishing a connection.

The socket that sent "monky\n" is used as a general driver control channel, we call it the manager channel though. This socket allows for changing the device live list, changing some device settings, etc. See Manager Protocol.

The socket that sent "hello\n" is used as a device control channel, we call it tracking channel though. This socket is meant for controlling the live device list, mostly through tracking. See Tracking Protocol.

Poser Protocols

When sending messages, the poser process has to fill the terminator[3] field with "\t\r\n".

Manager Protocol

Current manager protocol consists of the following structs:

// manager command type
enum HobovrManagerMsgType
  Emsg_invalid = 0,
  Emsg_ipd = 10,
  Emsg_uduString = 20,
  Emsg_poseTimeOffset = 30,
  Emsg_distortion = 40,
  Emsg_eyeGap = 50,
  Emsg_setSelfPose = 60,

// manager command structs

#pragma pack(push, 1)

// changes the ipd for hmd devices
struct IpdMessage {
    uint32_t type;  // has to be Emsg_ipd
    uint32_t nominator;
    uint32_t denominator;
    uint32_t rest[127];
    char terminator[3];

// updates device list live
struct UduStringMessage {
    uint32_t type;  // has to be Emsg_uduString
    uint32_t len; // number of devices
    struct {
        uint32_t device_type; // h - 0, c - 1, t - 2
        uint32_t device_len; // number of floats for this device
    } devices[64];
    char terminator[3];

// updates pose time offsets
struct PoseTimeOffsetMessage {
    uint32_t type;  // has to be Emsg_poseTimeOffset
    uint32_t nominator;
    uint32_t denominator;
    uint32_t rest[127];
    char terminator[3];

// updates distortion parameters, will require a restart to take effect
struct DistortionMessage {
    uint32_t type;  // has to be Emsg_distortion
    uint32_t k1_nominator;
    uint32_t k1_denominator;
    uint32_t k2_nominator;
    uint32_t k2_denominator;
    uint32_t zoom_width_nominator;
    uint32_t zoom_width_denominator;
    uint32_t zoom_height_nominator;
    uint32_t zoom_height_denominator;
    uint32_t rest[121];
    char terminator[3];

// updates the hobovr_comp_extendedDisplay eye gap setting,
// will require a restart to take effect
struct EyeGapMessage {
    uint32_t type;  // has to be Emsg_eyeGap
    uint32_t width; // in pixels
    uint32_t rest[128];
    char terminator[3];

// updates the location of the virtual base station device (which manager runs as)
struct SetSelfPoseMessage {
    uint32_t type;  // has to be Emsg_setSelfPose
    uint32_t x_nominator;
    uint32_t x_denominator;
    uint32_t y_nominator;
    uint32_t y_denominator;
    uint32_t z_nominator;
    uint32_t z_denominator;
    uint32_t rest[123];
    char terminator[3];

#pragma pack(pop)

Any of them can be sent using the manager socket.

Tracking Protocol

The tracking protocol is, unfortunately, not as simple as the manager protocol. Depending on the current driver device list, the message structure will change. Here are some examples (device structs are explained later):

// Driver device list in this example will be(in that order): hmd, controller_right, controller_left

#pragma pack(push, 1)

struct driver_packet {
    pose_t hmd;
    // controller sides are order sensitive
    controller_pose_t controller_right;
    controller_pose_t controller_left;
    char terminator[3];

#pragma pack(pop)

Now this message struct can be using the tracking socket. However if the device list changes and the message struct is not changed accordingly the driver will ignore messages coming from this socket. The poser will not be notified about that.

The rule for constructing tracking message structs is, for each device in the device list(conserving the order) you choose one of the structs:

// tracking only pose, eligible for HMDs and Trackers
struct pose_t {
    float position[3];  // 3D vector
    float orientation[4];  // quaternion
    float velocity[3];  // 3D vector
    float angular_velocity[3];  // 3D vector

// tracking + controller inputs, eligible for Controllers only
struct controller_pose_t {
    pose_t pose;
    float inputs[9];
    // vive wand style inputs

    // inputs[0] - grip button, recast as bool
    // inputs[1] - SteamVR system button, recast as bool
    // inputs[2] - app menu button, recast as bool
    // inputs[3] - trackpad click button, recast as bool
    // inputs[4] - trigger value, one sided normalized  scalar axis
    // inputs[5] - trackpad x axis, normalized two sided scalar axis
    // inputs[6] - trackpad y axis, normalized two sided scalar axis
    // inputs[7] - trackpad touch signal, recast as bool
    // inputs[8] - trigger click button, recast as bool


The constructed message struct can be sent then sent out using the tracking socket.


To not be ignored posers should signal their desired device list using the UduStringMessage manager message.


The tracking protocol is old and terrible, but its stable, so its gonna stay while we're working on a v2.