Operating systems packages creation and maintenance
Generic Conan package
Documentation translation
Testing on more operating systems & hardware architectures
listReadlines() / listWritelines()
- Loading or writing a LIST of STRINGs from/to an ASCII text file, line by line
- Like Python's range() function
listFromFile() / listToFile()
- Initializing a LIST from/to an ASCII text file, list() like
STRUCT elements documentation: provide an example and a test program
- STRUCTs declaration
- Declared in list() with braces. For example: (subtype, int:x, int:y)
- STRUCTs declaration
- Providing a way to register the handling functions (see the ones for STRUCTs) for new data types, in order to avoid circular dependencies between libraries
- Join adjacent char elements into a single STRING element
- Join adjacent STRING elements into a single STRING element
list{Contains, Count, Index, IndexAll}Values()
- "Regardless of ETYPE" comparison
- Cf. man 3 qsort
Other sorting algorithms?
Tree data structures functions
- Which ones?
Extension of ctypes library to the exchange of lists
Support for C language extensions for Python using lists?
ARRAY elements support
- Declared in list() with angle-brackets. For example: <int:1, 2, 3> (only the first element will need a type indicator if it's not supposed to be a long)
DICT elements
- pydicts4c library!
- Declared with curly braces. For example: {'key1': value1, 'key2': value2}
- pydicts4c library!
STRINGS elements?
- pystrings4c library?
- What could be missing in C that is available in Python?
- pystrings4c library?
ARRAY library?