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File metadata and controls

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Angular 学习之旅

Architecting with Component

在新建 Angular 应用的时候:

  1. 将应用划分成组件(Component)
  2. 描述每个组件的责任(responsibilities)
  3. 描述每个组件的inputsoutputs 以及公共接口


Architecting with Component


  • Responsibilities

各个方面的authentication, 让用户 login/signup 以及 logout

  • Inputs

  • Outputs
  • LoginChanged 当用户的 login 状态改变时出发的 output 事件


  • Responsibilities


  • Inputs

  • Outputs
  • SearchTermChanged 当用户执行 search 后触发的 output 事件, $event 包含了搜索细节。


  • Responsibilities


  • Inputs

SearchTerm 搜索细节

  • Outputs

Data Flow

Data Flow

Content projection


<child *ngFor="let c of childs" [child]="c">
    <span>{{ }}</span>
    <h1>{{ child.desc }}</h1>
<ng-content select="span"></ng-content>
<ng-content select="h1"></ng-content>
  • <ng-content select="span"></ng-content> will match <span>{{ }}</span>
  • <ng-content select="h1"></ng-content> will match <h1>{{ child.desc }}</h1>

className [better way]

<child *ngFor="let c of childs" [child]="c">
    <span class="name">{{ }}</span>
    <h1 class="desc">{{ child.desc }}</h1>
<ng-content select=".name"></ng-content>
<ng-content select=".desc"></ng-content>
  • <ng-content select=".name"></ng-content> will match <span class="name">{{ }}</span>
  • <ng-content select=".desc"></ng-content> will match <h1 class="desc">{{ child.desc }}</h1>

Lifecycle Hooks

Lifecycle Hooks

  • constructor - Invoked when Angular creates a component or directive by calling new on the class
  • ngOnChanges - Invoked every time there is a change in one of the input properties of the component
  • ngOnInit - Invoked when given component has been initialized. Called once after the first ngOnChanges
  • ngDoCheck - Invoked when the change detector of given component is invoked. We could implement our own change detection algorithm for the given component
  • ngOnDestroy - Invoked just before Angular destroys the component. Use this hook to unsubscribe observables and detach event handlers to avoid memory leaks
  • ngAfterContentInit - Invoked after Angular performs any content projection into components view
  • ngAfterContentChecked - Invoked each time the content of given component has been checked by the change detection mechanism of Angular
  • ngAfterViewInit - Invoked when component's view has been fully initialized
  • ngAfterViewChecked - Invoked each time the view of given component has been checked by the change detection mechanism of Angular

NOTE: ngDoCheck and ngOnChanges should not be implemented together on the same component. ngAfterContentInit ngAfterContentChecked ngAfterViewInit ngAfterViewChecked are only called for component and not directives.

ViewChildren & ContentChildren

<h4 #header>View Jokes</h4>
<app-joke *ngFor="let j of jokes" [data]="j">
  <span class="setup">{{ j.setup }}?</span>
  <h1 class="punchline">{{ j.punchline }}</h1>
<h4>Content Jokes</h4>

以数据来源区分:来自自身Component 来自上一层Component


Components are directives with a view

使用 attribute selectors 将 directives 关联到已存在的 components:

<element aDirective></element>

constructor(private el: ElementRef, private renderer)

HostListener & HostBinding

@HostListener This is a function decorator that accepts an event name as an argument. When that event gets fired on the host element it calls the associated function.

  constructor(private el: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer) {
    //  renderer.setElementStyle(el.nativeElement, 'backgroundColor', 'gray');

  @HostListener('mouseover') onMouseOver() {
    let part = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector('.card-text');
    this.renderer.setElementStyle(part, 'display', 'block');

  @HostListener('mouseout') onMouseOut() {
    let part = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector('.card-text');
    this.renderer.setElementStyle(part, 'display', 'none');

As well as listening to output events from the host element a directive can also bind to input properties in the host element with @HostBinding. This directive can change the properties of the host element, such as the list of classes that are set on the host element as well as a number of other properties. Using the @HostBinding decorator a directive can link an internal property to an input property on the host element. So if the internal property changed the input property on the host element would also change.

  @HostBinding('class.card-outline-primary') private isHovering: boolean;

  constructor(private el: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer) {
    //  renderer.setElementStyle(el.nativeElement, 'backgroundColor', 'gray');

  onMouseOver() {
    this.isHovering = true;

  onMouseOut() {
    this.isHovering = false;

Reactive Programming with RxJS

Stream & Reactive Programming

Streams are a sequence of values over time.

Reactive programming is the idea that you can create your entire program just by defining the different streams and the operations that are performed on those streams.

Observable and how it related to RxJS

Write reactive code using pure RxJS

Operators and Marble Diagrams

Where to use reactive programming in Angular


{{ 1234.56 | currency : 'USD' }}

1234.56 => $123,4.56


template driven & model driven

Model Driven Forms

define a form model on component and link it to existing HTML form controls




switch expects a stream of Observables, when it get an Observable pushed onto it’s input stream it unsubscribes from any previous Observables and subscribes to the new one and then emits any values from that Observable onto it’s output stream.

Using switch with map is such a common occurrence that there is a combined operator called switchMap


    1. Treat API as a javascript file.
    1. The API wraps the JSON response in a function who’s name we define.
    1. When the browser downloads the fake API script it runs it, it calls the function passing it the JSON data.


State is a computer science terms and means "all the stored information, at a given instant in time, to which program has access".

Router Guards

403 is a HTTP error code specifically this one means Permission Denied

  • CanActivate - Checks to see if a user can visit a route.
  • CanActivateChild - Checks to see if a user can visit a routes children.
  • CanDeactivate - Checks to see if a user can exit a route.
  • Resolve - Performs route data retrieval before route activation.
  • CanLoad - Checks to see if a user can route to a module that lazy loaded.