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The SDK used in Web environment.
<!-- 1. Load a <script> in your html -->
<!-- 2. Init -->
window.$pageSpy = new PageSpy(config?: InitConfig)
After the integration, open your project in browser, there should be a widget (round container with white background and include logo) on the bottom left. If not, check your config.
For browser, all parameters are optional.
interface InitConfig {
// The SDK automatically analyses and determines the address of
// the Server (api) and the address of the debug side (clientOrigin)
// from the "src" value, assuming you introduced it from https://example.com/page-spy/index.min.js,
// so the SDK will set it up internally:
// - api: "example.com"
// - clientOrigin: "https://example.com"
// If your service is deployed elsewhere, you can manually specify here to override.
api?: string;
clientOrigin?: string;
// "project" is an aggregation of information that can be searched in the room list on the debug side.
// default: 'default'
project?: string;
// "title" is a user-defined parameter that can be used to distinguish the current debugging client,
// and the corresponding information is displayed under the "device id" in each debugging connection panel.
// default: '--'
title?: string;
// Indicates whether the SDK will automatically render the "Circle with Logo on White Background"
// control in the bottom left corner of the client when initiation is complete. If set to false,
// you can call window.$pageSpy.render() to render it manually.
// default: true
autoRender?: boolean;
// Manually specify the scheme of the PageSpy service.
// This works if the SDK can't correctly analyse the scheme, e.g. if PageSpy's browser plugin
// is introduced into the SDK via chrome-extension://xxx/sdk/index.min.js, which will be
// be parsed by the SDK as an invalid "chrome-extension://" and fallback to ["http://", "ws://"].
// - (Default) Pass the value undefined or null: the SDK will parse it automatically;
// - Pass boolean value:
// - true: the SDK will access the PageSpy service via ["https://", "wss://"].
// - false: the SDK will access the PageSpy service via ["http://", "wss://"]
enableSSL?: boolean | null;
// All internal plugins are carried with PageSpy by default out of the box.
// You can disable some plugins as needed.
disabledPlugins?: (InternalPlugins | string)[];
// After adding support for offline replay in PageSpy@1.7.4, the client-integrated SDK can work without
// establishing a connection with the debugger.
// Default value is false, when users set it to other values will enters "offline mode", where PageSpy
// will not create rooms or establish WebSocket connections.
offline?: boolean;
// Customize logo source url.
logo?: string;
// Customize logo style.
logoStyle?: Object;
type InternalPlugins =
| 'ConsolePlugin'
| 'ErrorPlugin'
| 'NetworkPlugin'
| 'StoragePlugin'
| 'DatabasePlugin'
| 'PagePlugin'
| 'SystemPlugin';