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Hyomoto edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 12 revisions
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Feature( name, version, date, struct )

The Feature constructor is an interface for creating instantiate-on-demand constructors that plug into the FAST framework. Most modules use it to declare themselves as well as create themselves a Logger and any other library functions associated with it. This allows reducing namespace clutter, as well as providing a private-like wrapper for your constructor method. The general format for creating a feature is:

function MyFeature() {
  static feature	= function() constructor {
    static log	= function( _value ) {
      static logger	= new Logger( "myfeature", 144, System );
      logger.write( _value );
  static instance = new Feature( "MyFeature", "1.0", "10/10/1010", new feature() );
  return instance.struct;


Name Type Purpose
name string The name of the feature being created.
version string The version of the feature being created.
date string The date the feature was created.
struct struct A structure of data that will be returned.


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toString( )

Name Type Purpose

No description.


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Name Type Initial Purpose
name undef _name No description.
version undef _version No description.
date undef _date No description.
struct undef _struct No description.
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