This pipeline calls software TRUST4 to genotype T cell and B cell receptors.
- This pipeline is based on nextflow. As we have several nextflow pipelines, we have centralized the common information in the IARC-nf repository. Please read it carefully as it contains essential information for the installation, basic usage and configuration of nextflow and our pipelines.
- External software:
You can avoid installing all the external software by only installing Docker and using the official TRUST4 docker container (at, see tags at See the IARC-nf repository for more information. Note that TRUST4 requires references files IMGT+C.fa and bcrtcr.fa, that can be generated using perl scripts from the trust4 git repository:
perl Homo_sapien > IMGT+C.fa
grep ">" IMGT+C.fa | cut -f2 -d'>' | cut -f1 -d'*' | sort | uniq > bcr_tcr_gene_name.txt
perl reference.fa annotation.gtf bcr_tcr_gene_name.txt > bcrtcr.fa
Type | Description |
input_folder | Folder with bam files to be processed |
Name | Example value | Description |
--IMGTC_fasta | IMGT+C.fa | fasta file of reference genome from the international ImMunoGeneTics information system [file human_IMGT+C.fa from] |
--bcrtcr_fasta | bcrtcr.fa | fasta file with reference BCR and TCR regions [see for generation] |
Name | Default value | Description |
--barcode | None | Run trust4 using a specific barcode (for single cell data only, usually BC for CellRanger output) |
Flags are special parameters without value.
Name | Description |
--help | Display help |
nextflow run iarcbioinfo/TCR-BCR-nf --input_folder bams --IMGTC_fasta TRUST4/IMGT+C.fa --bcrtcr_fasta TRUST4/bcrtcr.fa --barcode BC
Type | Description |
TRUST_*_barcode_report.tsv | Report with inferred cell type and TCR and BCR genotypes |
TRUST_*_report.tsv | Report with proportion of each TCR and BCR genotype |
Name | Description | |
Nicolas Alcala* | | Developer to contact for support |
Song, L., Cohen, D., Ouyang, Z. et al. TRUST4: immune repertoire reconstruction from bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data. Nat Methods 18, 627–630 (2021).