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AngularJS for the Globalization Pipeline on IBM's Bluemix

What is this?

This project provides an SDK for AngularJS developers to dynamically utilize the Globalization Pipeline Bluemix service.

The SDK provides familiar AngularJS constructs, in the form of a Directive and a Service, that encapsulate usage of the restful API of the Globalization Pipeline to enable globalization of your application.


Bower release installation:

$ bower install gp-angular-client

Bower version
Build Status

npm release installation:

$ npm install angular-g11n-pipeline

npm version

Manual installation:

$ git clone git://    


Getting started

To get started, you should familiarize yourself with the service itself. A good place to begin is by reading the Quick Start Guide and the official Getting Started with IBM Globalization documentation.

The documentation explains how to find the service on Bluemix, create a new service instance, create a new bundle, and access the translated messages.


The designed workflow for using this SDK is as follows. Application bundle data is uploaded onto a Globalization Pipeline instance running on Bluemix and any desired language translations are selected for that bundle. A bundle user of type READER is defined for that service. Once those pieces are configured, data is pulled from Bluemix and used to complete the SDK configuration in the client app. (see Configuration below)

The fields needed to configure this SDK are:

  • url
  • instanceId
  • userId
  • password

The url & instanceId fields are taken from the credentials of your service instance of the Globalization Pipeline

Once the GlobalizationPipelineService configuration is complete and you have set your application configuration to those values, you can use the custom gp-translate directive or service functions to handle the dynamic globalization needs of your app.


The SDK service API consists of two main functions. A Translate [translate(key, lang)] function and a function to obtain a list of the available languages [getAvailableLanguages()]. A general purpose custom directive [gp-translate] is supplied to handle simple cases of calling the translation service. The translation service function can be incorporated into more complex user defined directives should your application require more extensive directives.

In addition to the translate & getAvailableLanguages functions, other useful functions exposed from the service are:

  • setBundleId(newBundleId) - enables switching of the default bundle ID used for translations.
  • getBundleId() - returns the currently configured default bundle ID.
  • getLoadingText() - obtain the configured loading text value.
  • setTargetLang(newLang) - enables the application to override the browser default target language for translations.
  • removeTargetLang() - enables clearing of a configured targetLang.

If a language is used for a translation that is not available for a given bundle on the Globalization Pipeline service instance, the source language for that bundle will be used for translations. If a key is not defined in a bundle, the key value will be returned as the "translated" value.

- bundle specification

For a simple application a single bundle may suffice and maybe configured in the SDK configuration [bundleId]. For more granular control, the configured bundleId can be dynamically set in controllers by calling setBundleId(newBundleId) for a particular view. This allows a complex application to split up it's G11n application data into smaller more manageable bundles.

.controller('View1Ctrl', ['$routeParams', 'GlobalizationPipelineService', function($routeParams, gp) {

- handling options for awaiting text translation

While your application is waiting on the promise from the rest API, this SDK provides 2 facilities to handle the not yet available text. Support of ng-show or the specification of loading text.

-- loading text

The optional configuration parameter of loadingText provides a means to display some form of text to indicate that the app is waiting for something to complete. For example, if loadingText is set to loading... then text elements waiting on the translation will display loading... until the promise is resolved. Otherwise the elements will be blank.

-- ng-show support

ng-show is an AngularJS convention used to hold off on making elements visible until such time as everything is ready. This SDK supports ng-show thru the global var gpTranslationComplete.


<div ng-show="gpTranslationComplete">
    <h1 gp-translate="Title"></h1>
    <gp-translate key="Hello"></gp-translate>

- target language specification

NOTE: While it is assumed that typical usage will be to use the language the user has set in the browser and not have a need to configure or change the targetLang configuration parameter, setTargetLang(newLang) & removeTargetLang() are provided to control overriding the browser setting should that be desirable. Along with being able to specify it on the function/directive.

The target language for the translation is determined in 1 of 3 ways (in order of precedence).

  1. It can be supplied on the translation function call (or on the custom directive).
  2. A target language can be set in the configuration (targetLang:) to eliminate the need to override it on each translation call.
  3. Or use the language configured in the browser.

language override on the directive example:

    <gp-translate key="DATA-KEY" lang="es"></gp-translate>

custom directive

This SDK provides a custom directive that handles straightforward use of translations and can be specified in two ways.


    <H1 gp-translate="TITLE"></H1>
    <gp-translate key="ANOTHER-DATA-KEY"></gp-translate>

In addition to specifying the key to be translated the directive also supports overriding the target language and/or the bundleId.


    <H1 gp-translate="TITLE" lang="es"></H1>
    <span gp-translate="DATA-KEY" bundleId="specialBundleId"></span>
    <gp-translate key="ANOTHER-DATA-KEY" lang="de" bundleId="someOtherBundle"></gp-translate>

variable replacement

The gp-translate directive supports an optional values attribute that allows passing of custom data to it. This is used to inject variables into the returned translation string. See$interpolate for more details.

Example translation string:

"DATA-KEY-WITH-VARIABLE" : "Welcome {{user}}"

Example controller:

angular.module("TestModule", []).controller("TestController", ['$scope', function($scope) {

    var ctrl = this;
    ctrl.userName = { user : "John Doe" };

    $scope.userNameInScope = "John Doe";

Example usage:

    <gp-translate key="DATA-KEY-WITH-VARIABLE" bundle="someBundle" values="{{controllerAsVariable.userName}}"/>
    <gp-translate key="DATA-KEY-WITH-VARIABLE" bundle="someBundle" values='{ "user" : "{{userNameInScope}}" }'/>
    <gp-translate key="DATA-KEY-WITH-VARIABLE" bundle="someBundle" values='{ "user" : "John Doe" }'/>


This service needs to be configured in order to talk to the GP server. On Bluemix you will need to configure the IBM Globalization Pipeline service, define bundle(s), and define a bundle reader. Once that is completed you can take that information and fill in your AngularJS config data to talk to the service.

bundleId is required to be present at the time of translation but does NOT have to be present at .config time.

Optional configuration for target language (targetLang) & text to display while waiting for the results from the rest call (loadingText) can be configure here as well.

Example of configuration

.config(['GlobalizationPipelineServiceProvider', function(GlobalizationPipelineService) {

        bundleId: "YOUR-BUNDLE-NAME",                   // recommended unless dynamically set
        targetLang: "es",                               // optional default language
        loadingText: "loading...",                      // optional text displayed while waiting on a GP promise
        credentials: {                                  
            url: "https://YOUR-SERVICE-INSTANCE-URL",   // required
            instanceId: "YOUR-INSTANCE-ID",             // required
            userId: "YOUR-BUNDLES-READER-ID",           // required
            password: "YOUR-BUNDLES-READER-PASSWORD"    // required





Apache 2.0. See LICENSE.txt.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.