Now that the Tello is taking pictures and classifying images using the default classifier, in this final challenge the Tello will fly, take pictures, classify images using a custom classifier.
Follow the instructions in this tutorial to train a Watson Visual Recognition custom classifier. You might take drone images of balls in your yard, your dog playing in your yard, leaves in your gutters, bird nests in trees. Anything your Tello Drone might see.
- Train a Watson Visual Recogition Custom Classifier using images of your choice.
- After training has completed, turn to the Project Asset Visual Recognition model Overview tab.
- Copy the Model ID to your clipboard.
- Return to your Node-RED browser window
- Import the solution flow
- Turn on your drone and connect to the drone Wifi
- Manually press the TELLO_LOW_LEVEL_CONNECT inject node.
- Turn to the Node-RED Dashboard - Tello Camera Dashboard.
- Paste the Model ID into the dashboard
- Press the button to start taking pictures every 10 seconds.
- Take-Off
- See screenshot:
There is a solution flow available if you need help or want to check your solution.
Launch the Node-RED Dashboard by turning to the Dashboard tab in the right menu and then click on the launch button.
Home | Node-RED | Setup | Commands | Dashboard | Telemetry | Mission | Pictures | Visual Recognition | Custom Classifier