diff --git a/.make.versions b/.make.versions
index 4f1205076..223581e3a 100644
--- a/.make.versions
+++ b/.make.versions
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FILTER_VERSION=0.3.0
diff --git a/kfp/doc/multi_transform_pipeline.md b/kfp/doc/multi_transform_pipeline.md
index f9b3fe2c4..a9364137b 100644
--- a/kfp/doc/multi_transform_pipeline.md
+++ b/kfp/doc/multi_transform_pipeline.md
@@ -23,13 +23,30 @@ In the list of its input parameters, we also see `data_s3_config`. Now, we have
![param list](param_list2.png)
+### Examples
-**Note** An example super pipeline that combines several transforms, `doc_id`, `ededup`, and `fdedup`, can be found in [superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py](../superworkflows/v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py).
+The sections that follow display two super pipelines as examples:
+1) [dedups super pipeline](#dedups)
+1) [programming languages super pipeline](#code)
+### Dedups super pipeline
+This pipeline combines several transforms, `doc_id`, `ededup`, and `fdedup`, can be found in [superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py](../superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py).
![super pipeline](super_pipeline.png)
+The input parameters of the super pipelines are described in this [section](#super-pipeline-Input-Parameters).
+### Programming languages super pipeline
+This pipeline combines transforms for programming languages data preprocessing: `ededup`, `doc_id`, `fdedup`, `proglang_select`, `code_quality`, `malware` and `tokenization`. It can be found in [superworkflow_code_wf.py](../superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_code_sample_wf.py).
+![super pipeline](super-code-pipeline.png)
+The input parameters of the super pipelines are described in this [section](#Super-pipeline-Input-Parameters).
-The input parameters of the super pipelines:
+### Super Pipeline Input Parameters
There are several `groups` of input parameters for super pipelines, each group of parameters has a prefix of "p_" string, where is an order number.
diff --git a/kfp/doc/super-code-pipeline.png b/kfp/doc/super-code-pipeline.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..327d799bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/kfp/doc/super-code-pipeline.png differ
diff --git a/kfp/kfp_ray_components/src/execute_ray_job_multi_s3.py b/kfp/kfp_ray_components/src/execute_ray_job_multi_s3.py
index b20286602..1e58a5e66 100644
--- a/kfp/kfp_ray_components/src/execute_ray_job_multi_s3.py
+++ b/kfp/kfp_ray_components/src/execute_ray_job_multi_s3.py
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
# Execute Ray jobs
- additional_params=KFPUtils.load_from_json(args.additional_params),
+ additional_params=KFPUtils.load_from_json(args.additional_params.replace("'", '"')),
diff --git a/kfp/superworkflows/Makefile b/kfp/superworkflows/Makefile
index d4ddf0a3a..950286fcd 100644
--- a/kfp/superworkflows/Makefile
+++ b/kfp/superworkflows/Makefile
@@ -2,27 +2,22 @@ REPOROOT=../../
# Use make help, to see the available rules
include ${REPOROOT}/.make.defaults
- @# Help: Recursively make $@ all subdirs
- $(MAKE) RULE=$@ .recurse
+.PHONY: workflow-venv
+ $(MAKE) -C ray/kfp_v1 workflow-venv
- @# Help: Recursively make $@ in subdirs
- $(MAKE) RULE=$@ .recurse
+.PHONY: workflow-build
+ $(MAKE) -C ray/kfp_v1 workflow-build
- @# Help: Recursively make $@ in subdirs
- $(MAKE) RULE=$@ .recurse
+.PHONY: workflow-test
+ $(MAKE) -C ray/kfp_v1 workflow-test
- @# Help: Recursively make $@ in subdirs
- $(MAKE) RULE=$@ .recurse
- @# Help: Recursively make $@ in subdirs
- $(MAKE) RULE=$@ .recurse
- @# Help: Recursively make $@ in all subdirs
- @$(MAKE) RULE=$@ .recurse
+.PHONY: workflow-upload
+ $(MAKE) -C ray/kfp_v1 workflow-upload
+.PHONY: workflow-reconcile-requirements
+ $(MAKE) -C ray/kfp_v1 workflow-reconcile-requirements
diff --git a/kfp/superworkflows/v1/Makefile b/kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/Makefile
similarity index 91%
rename from kfp/superworkflows/v1/Makefile
rename to kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/Makefile
index 643249760..9a74bce57 100644
--- a/kfp/superworkflows/v1/Makefile
+++ b/kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
include $(REPOROOT)/transforms/.make.transforms_workflows
-PYTHON_WF := $(shell find ./ -name *_wf.py)
+PYTHON_WF := $(shell find ./ -name "*_wf.py")
YAML_WF=$(patsubst %.py, %.yaml, ${PYTHON_WF})
workflow-venv:: .check_python_version ${WORKFLOW_VENV_ACTIVATE}
diff --git a/kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_code_sample_wf.py b/kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_code_sample_wf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05a97df92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_code_sample_wf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+import kfp.compiler as compiler
+import kfp.components as comp
+import kfp.dsl as dsl
+from kfp_support.workflow_support.utils import ONE_WEEK_SEC
+# Components
+# For every sub workflow we need a separate components, that knows about this subworkflow.
+component_spec_path = "../../../kfp_ray_components/"
+run_code_quality_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
+run_malware_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
+run_proglang_select_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
+run_doc_id_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
+run_exact_dedup_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
+run_fuzzy_dedup_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
+run_tokenization_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
+proglang_select_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/proglang_select:0.3.0"
+code_quality_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/code_quality:0.3.0"
+malware_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/malware:0.4.0"
+doc_id_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/doc_id:0.3.1"
+ededup_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/ededup:0.3.0"
+fdedup_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/fdedup:0.3.0"
+tokenizer_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/tokenization:0.3.0"
+# Pipeline to invoke execution on remote resource
+ name="super-kubeflow-pipeline-code",
+ description="Super pipeline for programming languages data preprocessing",
+def sample_code_ray_orchestrator(
+ # the super pipeline parameters
+ p1_orch_code_quality_name: str = "code_quality_wf",
+ p1_orch_malware_name: str = "malware_wf",
+ p1_orch_proglang_select_name: str = "proglang_select_wf",
+ p1_orch_doc_id_name: str = "doc_id_wf",
+ p1_orch_exact_dedup_name: str = "ededup_wf",
+ p1_orch_fuzzy_dedup_name: str = "fdedup_wf",
+ p1_orch_tokenization_wf_name: str = "tokenization_wf",
+ p2_pipeline_runtime_pipeline_id: str = "pipeline_id",
+ p2_pipeline_ray_head_options: str = '{"cpu": 1, "memory": 4, "image_pull_secret": ""}',
+ p2_pipeline_ray_worker_options: str = '{"replicas": 2, "max_replicas": 2, "min_replicas": 2, "cpu": 2, "memory": 4, "image_pull_secret": ""}',
+ p2_pipeline_server_url: str = "http://kuberay-apiserver-service.kuberay.svc.cluster.local:8888",
+ p2_pipeline_input_parent_path: str = "test/ingest2parquet/output/",
+ p2_pipeline_output_parent_path: str = "test/super/output/",
+ p2_pipeline_parent_path_suffix: str = "",
+ p2_pipeline_additional_params: str = '{"wait_interval": 2, "wait_cluster_ready_tmout": 400, "wait_cluster_up_tmout": 300, "wait_job_ready_tmout": 400, "wait_print_tmout": 30, "http_retries": 5}',
+ p2_pipeline_data_s3_access_secret: str = "s3-secret",
+ p2_pipeline_runtime_code_location: str = '{"github": "github", "commit_hash": "12345", "path": "path"}',
+ p2_pipeline_runtime_actor_options: str = '{"num_cpus": 0.8}',
+ p2_pipeline_data_max_files: int = -1,
+ p2_pipeline_data_num_samples: int = -1,
+ # Exact dedup step parameters
+ p3_name: str = "ededup",
+ p3_skip: bool = False,
+ p3_ededup_doc_column: str = "contents",
+ p3_ededup_hash_cpu: float = 0.5,
+ # data sampling
+ p3_ededup_n_samples: int = 10,
+ # overriding parameters
+ p3_overriding_params: str = '{"ray_worker_options": {"image": "'
+ + ededup_image
+ + '"}, "ray_head_options": {"image": "'
+ + ededup_image
+ + '"}}',
+ # Document ID step parameters
+ p4_name: str = "doc_id",
+ p4_skip: bool = False,
+ # doc id parameters
+ p4_doc_id_doc_column: str = "contents",
+ p4_doc_id_hash_column: str = "hash_column",
+ p4_doc_id_int_column: str = "int_id_column",
+ # overriding parameters
+ p4_overriding_params: str = '{"ray_worker_options": {"image": "'
+ + doc_id_image
+ + '"}, "ray_head_options": {"image": "'
+ + doc_id_image
+ + '"}}',
+ # Fuzzy dedup step parameters
+ p5_name: str = "fdedup",
+ p5_skip: bool = False,
+ # columns used
+ p5_fdedup_doc_column: str = "contents",
+ p5_fdedup_id_column: str = "int_id_column",
+ p5_fdedup_cluster_column: str = "cluster",
+ # orchestrator
+ # infrastructure
+ p5_fdedup_bucket_cpu: float = 0.5,
+ p5_fdedup_doc_cpu: float = 0.5,
+ p5_fdedup_mhash_cpu: float = 0.5,
+ # fuzzy parameters
+ p5_fdedup_num_permutations: int = 64,
+ p5_fdedup_threshold: float = 0.8,
+ p5_fdedup_shingles_size: int = 5,
+ p5_fdedup_delimiters: str = " ",
+ # random delay between reads
+ p5_fdedup_random_delay_limit: int = 5,
+ # snapshotting
+ p5_fdedup_snapshot_delay: int = 1,
+ p5_fdedup_use_doc_snapshot: bool = False,
+ p5_fdedup_use_bucket_snapshot: bool = False,
+ # data sampling
+ p5_fdedup_n_samples: int = 10,
+ # overriding parameters
+ p5_overriding_params: str = '{"ray_worker_options": {"image": "'
+ + fdedup_image
+ + '"}, "ray_head_options": {"image": "'
+ + fdedup_image
+ + '"}}',
+ # proglang_select step parameters
+ p6_name: str = "proglang_select",
+ p6_skip: bool = False,
+ p6_proglang_select_allowed_langs_file: str = "test/proglang_select/languages/allowed-code-languages.txt",
+ p6_proglang_select_language_column: str = "programming_language",
+ p6_proglang_select_s3_access_secret: str = "s3-secret",
+ # overriding parameters
+ p6_overriding_params: str = '{"ray_worker_options": {"image": "'
+ + proglang_select_image
+ + '"}, "ray_head_options": {"image": "'
+ + proglang_select_image
+ + '"}}',
+ # Code quality step parameters
+ p7_name: str = "code_quality",
+ p7_skip: bool = False,
+ p7_cq_contents_column_name: str = "contents",
+ p7_cq_language_column_name: str = "programming_language",
+ p7_cq_tokenizer: str = "codeparrot/codeparrot",
+ p7_cq_hf_token: str = "None",
+ # orchestrator
+ # overriding parameters
+ p7_overriding_params: str = '{"ray_worker_options": {"image": "'
+ + code_quality_image
+ + '"}, "ray_head_options": {"image": "'
+ + code_quality_image
+ + '"}}',
+ # malware step parameters
+ p8_name: str = "malware",
+ p8_skip: bool = False,
+ p8_malware_input_column: str = "contents",
+ p8_malware_output_column: str = "virus_detection",
+ # orchestrator
+ # overriding parameters
+ p8_overriding_params: str = '{"ray_worker_options": {"image": "'
+ + malware_image
+ + '"}, "ray_head_options": {"image": "'
+ + malware_image
+ + '"}}',
+ # tokenization parameters
+ p9_name: str = "tokenization",
+ p9_skip: bool = False,
+ p9_tkn_tokenizer: str = "hf-internal-testing/llama-tokenizer",
+ p9_tkn_doc_id_column: str = "document_id",
+ p9_tkn_doc_content_column: str = "contents",
+ p9_tkn_text_lang: str = "en",
+ p9_tkn_tokenizer_args: str = "cache_dir=/tmp/hf",
+ p9_tkn_chunk_size: int = 0,
+ p9_overriding_params: str = '{"ray_worker_options": {"image": "'
+ + tokenizer_image
+ + '"}, "ray_head_options": {"image": "'
+ + tokenizer_image
+ + '"}}',
+ # get all arguments
+ args = locals()
+ orch_host = "http://ml-pipeline:8888"
+ def _set_component(op: dsl.BaseOp, displaied_name: str, prev_op: dsl.BaseOp = None):
+ # set the sub component UI name
+ op.set_display_name(displaied_name)
+ # Add pod labels
+ op.add_pod_label("app", "ml-pipeline").add_pod_label("component", "code-pipelines")
+ # No cashing
+ op.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = "P0D"
+ # image pull policy
+ op.set_image_pull_policy("Always")
+ # Set the timeout for each task to one week (in seconds)
+ op.set_timeout(ONE_WEEK_SEC)
+ if prev_op is not None:
+ op.after(prev_op)
+ # exact deduplication
+ exact_dedup = run_exact_dedup_op(
+ name=p1_orch_exact_dedup_name,
+ prefix="p3_",
+ params=args,
+ host=orch_host,
+ input_folder=p2_pipeline_input_parent_path,
+ )
+ _set_component(exact_dedup, "exact dedup")
+ # document ID
+ doc_id = run_doc_id_op(
+ name=p1_orch_doc_id_name, prefix="p4_", params=args, host=orch_host, input_folder=exact_dedup.output
+ )
+ _set_component(doc_id, "doc ID", exact_dedup)
+ # fuzzy deduplication
+ fuzzy_dedup = run_fuzzy_dedup_op(
+ name=p1_orch_fuzzy_dedup_name, prefix="p5_", params=args, host=orch_host, input_folder=doc_id.output
+ )
+ _set_component(fuzzy_dedup, "fuzzy dedup", doc_id)
+ # proglang_select
+ proglang_select = run_proglang_select_op(
+ name=p1_orch_proglang_select_name,
+ prefix="p6_",
+ params=args,
+ host=orch_host,
+ input_folder=fuzzy_dedup.output,
+ )
+ _set_component(proglang_select, "proglang_select", fuzzy_dedup)
+ # code_quality
+ code_quality = run_code_quality_op(
+ name=p1_orch_code_quality_name, prefix="p7_", params=args, host=orch_host, input_folder=proglang_select.output
+ )
+ _set_component(code_quality, "code_quality", proglang_select)
+ # malware
+ malware = run_malware_op(
+ name=p1_orch_malware_name, prefix="p8_", params=args, host=orch_host, input_folder=code_quality.output
+ )
+ _set_component(malware, "malware", code_quality)
+ # malware
+ tokenization = run_tokenization_op(
+ name=p1_orch_tokenization_wf_name, prefix="p9_", params=args, host=orch_host, input_folder=malware.output
+ )
+ _set_component(tokenization, "tokenization", malware)
+ # Configure the pipeline level to one week (in seconds)
+ dsl.get_pipeline_conf().set_timeout(ONE_WEEK_SEC)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Compiling the pipeline
+ compiler.Compiler().compile(sample_code_ray_orchestrator, __file__.replace(".py", ".yaml"))
diff --git a/kfp/superworkflows/v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py b/kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py
similarity index 90%
rename from kfp/superworkflows/v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py
rename to kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py
index 2f7c64f00..f63bb0638 100644
--- a/kfp/superworkflows/v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py
+++ b/kfp/superworkflows/ray/kfp_v1/superworkflow_dedups_sample_wf.py
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
# Components
# path to kfp component specifications files
-component_spec_path = "../../kfp_ray_components/"
+component_spec_path = "../../../kfp_ray_components/"
# For every sub workflow we need a separate components, that knows about this subworkflow.
run_doc_id_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
run_exact_dedup_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
run_fuzzy_dedup_op = comp.load_component_from_file(component_spec_path + "executeSubWorkflowComponent.yaml")
-doc_id_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/doc_id:0.3.0"
+doc_id_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/doc_id:0.3.1"
ededup_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/ededup:0.3.0"
fdedup_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/fdedup:0.3.0"
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ def sample_ray_orchestrator(
p2_pipeline_additional_params: str = '{"wait_interval": 2, "wait_cluster_ready_tmout": 400, "wait_cluster_up_tmout": 300, "wait_job_ready_tmout": 400, "wait_print_tmout": 30, "http_retries": 5}',
p2_pipeline_data_s3_access_secret: str = "s3-secret",
p2_pipeline_runtime_code_location: str = '{"github": "github", "commit_hash": "12345", "path": "path"}',
+ p2_pipeline_runtime_actor_options: str = '{"num_cpus": 0.8}',
+ # data access.
+ p2_pipeline_data_max_files: int = -1,
+ p2_pipeline_data_num_samples: int = -1,
# Document ID step parameters
p3_name: str = "doc_id",
p3_skip: bool = False,
- # data access.
- p3_data_max_files: int = -1,
- p3_data_num_samples: int = -1,
# orchestrator
- p3_runtime_actor_options: str = '{"num_cpus": 0.8}',
# doc id parameters
p3_doc_id_doc_column: str = "contents",
p3_doc_id_hash_column: str = "hash_column",
@@ -59,10 +59,6 @@ def sample_ray_orchestrator(
p4_skip: bool = False,
p4_ededup_doc_column: str = "contents",
p4_ededup_hash_cpu: float = 0.5,
- p4_runtime_actor_options: str = '{"num_cpus": 0.8}',
- # data access.
- p4_data_max_files: int = -1,
- p4_data_num_samples: int = -1,
# data sampling
p4_ededup_n_samples: int = 10,
# overriding parameters
@@ -78,11 +74,6 @@ def sample_ray_orchestrator(
p5_fdedup_doc_column: str = "contents",
p5_fdedup_id_column: str = "int_id_column",
p5_fdedup_cluster_column: str = "cluster",
- # orchestrator
- p5_runtime_actor_options: str = '{"num_cpus": 0.8}',
- # data access. checkpointing is not supported by dedup
- p5_data_num_samples: int = -1,
- p5_data_max_files: int = -1,
# infrastructure
p5_fdedup_bucket_cpu: float = 0.5,
p5_fdedup_doc_cpu: float = 0.5,
diff --git a/transforms/universal/doc_id/kfp_ray/v1/doc_id_wf.py b/transforms/universal/doc_id/kfp_ray/v1/doc_id_wf.py
index ce9fd68ef..ece31b63b 100644
--- a/transforms/universal/doc_id/kfp_ray/v1/doc_id_wf.py
+++ b/transforms/universal/doc_id/kfp_ray/v1/doc_id_wf.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-task_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/doc_id:0.3.0"
+task_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/doc_id:0.3.1"
# the name of the job script
EXEC_SCRIPT_NAME: str = "doc_id_transform.py"
diff --git a/transforms/universal/tokenization/kfp_ray/v1/tokenization_wf.py b/transforms/universal/tokenization/kfp_ray/v1/tokenization_wf.py
index 1e5a3ae9b..e9e56dc3d 100644
--- a/transforms/universal/tokenization/kfp_ray/v1/tokenization_wf.py
+++ b/transforms/universal/tokenization/kfp_ray/v1/tokenization_wf.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# the name of the job script
EXEC_SCRIPT_NAME: str = "tokenization_transform.py"
-task_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/tokenization:0.2.0"
+task_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/tokenization:0.3.0"
# components
base_kfp_image = "quay.io/dataprep1/data-prep-kit/kfp-data-processing:0.1.1"
diff --git a/transforms/universal/tokenization/ray/Makefile b/transforms/universal/tokenization/ray/Makefile
index bea983ba1..72d7b2790 100644
--- a/transforms/universal/tokenization/ray/Makefile
+++ b/transforms/universal/tokenization/ray/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ include $(REPOROOT)/transforms/.make.transforms
# $(REPOROOT)/.make.versions file contains the versions
venv:: .transforms.ray-venv