This is a Quantum Safe Cryptography (QSC)-enabled demonstration package for the IBM Key Protect Go Client.
In order to demonstrate the utility of QSC algorithms, the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project provides a collection of QSC algorithms that are a part of the NIST competition within the liboqs library. OpenSSL and curl integrations have been built at the application level to demonstrate how QSC algorithms seamlessly fit into the existing open source security application landscape.
The build script compiles following QSC-enabled components (all installed in $HOME/opt/oqssa
- liboqs: Compilation of NIST-round 2 competition algorithms
- openssl: QSC-enabled OpenSSL library and utility applications
- curl: Patched curl v7.69.1
Note: Compiling and installing OQSSA requires the installation of the following packages:
Debian (Ubuntu) dependencies:
libtool automake autoconf cmake(3.5 and above) make openssl libssl-dev build-essential git wget golang patch perl diffutils
. If you use a debian distribution, create and run a file with the following code to ensure that the necessary packages are installed:echo "Starting prerequisites verification" CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED="3.*" packages="libtool automake autoconf cmake make openssl libssl-dev git wget build-essential golang patch perl diffutils" for REQUIRED_PKG in $packages do PKG_STATUS=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Version},${Status}\n' $REQUIRED_PKG|grep "install ok installed") if [ "" = "$PKG_STATUS" ] then echo "$REQUIRED_PKG is NOT installed" #sudo apt-get -y install $REQUIRED_PKG else PKG_VER=$(echo $PKG_STATUS| cut -d',' -f 1) if [ "cmake" == $REQUIRED_PKG ] && ! [[ $PKG_VER =~ $CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED ]] then echo "$REQUIRED_PKG Version is: $PKG_VER. OQSSA requires cmake 3.5 and above." fi fi done echo "Prerequisites verification completed"
RHEL (Centos/Fedora) dependencies:
libtool automake autoconf cmake(3.5 and above) make openssl ncurses-devel gcc-c++ glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-en openssl-devel git wget golang patch perl diffutils 'Development Tools'
If you use a RHEL distribution, create and run a file with the following code to ensure that the necessary packages are installed:echo "Starting prerequisites verification" CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED="3.*" packages="git libtool automake autoconf cmake make openssl ncurses-devel gcc-c++ openssl-devel wget glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-en sudo golang patch perl diffutils" for REQUIRED_PKG in $packages do PKG_STATUS=$(rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION},%{INSTALLTIME}\n' $REQUIRED_PKG) if [[ "$PKG_STATUS" == *"not installed"* ]]; then echo "$REQUIRED_PKG is NOT installed" #sudo yum -y install $REQUIRED_PKG else PKG_VER=$(echo $PKG_STATUS| cut -d',' -f 1) if [ "cmake" == $REQUIRED_PKG ] && ! [[ $PKG_VER =~ $CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED ]] then echo "$REQUIRED_PKG Version is: $PKG_VER. OQSSA requires cmake 3.5 and above." fi fi done PKG_STATUS=$(yum grouplist Dev* |grep "Development Tools") if [ "" = "$PKG_STATUS" ] then echo "Developement Tools is NOT installed" fi echo "Prerequisites verification completed"
Once the prerequisite packages have been installed and verified, download the
script and run it using the following command:
cd $HOME
git clone
cd oqssa
Follow the steps in Key Protect Go SDK to use OQSSA with the IBM Key Protect Go Client.