Audibleecoscience is a database of podcasts on subjects related to global change biology. It is designed as a resource for the general public and for educators looking to assign "required listening" to their students. Reviews of each podcast and links to the original source have been provided by students taking the IB107 class at the University of Illinois. The database is fully text searchable or you can browse on your favorite subject...
- Apache
- MySQL/MariaDB >= 5.5
- Git clone repository or download a tag release
git clone audibleecoscience
- Create mysql database
CREATE DATABASE audiblecoscience CHARACTER SET utf8;
- Create Mysql user with insert,update,select,delete privileges on the database
CREATE USER 'audibleecoscience'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'STRONG_PASSWORD';
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE ON audibleecoscience.* to 'audibleecoscience'@'localhost';
- Import database structure
mysql -u root -p audibleecoscience < sql/audibleecoscience.sql
- Add apache config to apache configuration to point ot the html directory
Alias /audibleecoscience /var/www/audibleecoscience/html
<Directory /var/www/audibleecoscience/html>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
- Copy conf/ to conf/
cp conf/ conf/
- Edit conf/ to have database settings
- Run composer to install depedencies
composer install