This folder contains all datasets from real experiments with the incubator.
Requirements for a good dataset:
- Must be contained in a folder, whose name must include the day that the experiment was started, followed by the goal of the experiment. See existing datasets for inspiration.
- Must contain a file, documenting at least the following:
- The goal of the experiment.
- Who run the experiment.
- A summary of the configuration (just enough for the reader to be able to assess whether the dataset corresponds to the most recent hardware configuration).
- Hardware
- Controller parameters (if relevant)
- An experiment log, with optional pictures.
- There should be a unit test that loads and displays a relevant portion of the data.
- A discussion of the results obtained, containing plots and all that.
- Must contain one or more csv file containing the full dataset. If more than one csv, then the README file must describe what each file means.