The following example will:
- Create a wallet
- Retrieve your account
- Sync account
- Get NFT Id
- Send NFT
public static class SendNftExample
public static async Task Run()
//Register all of the dependencies into a collection of services
IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection().AddIotaSDKServices();
//Install services to service provider which is used for dependency injection
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
//Use serviceprovider to create a scope, which disposes of all services at end of scope
using (IServiceScope scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
//Request IWallet service from service provider
IWallet wallet = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IWallet>();
//Build wallet using a fluent-style configuration api
wallet = await wallet
//Let's proceed to retrieve our previously created "spending" account.
IAccount spendingAccount = (await wallet.GetAccountAsync("spending")).Payload;
//Let's sync our account to the Tangle
var balance = await spendingAccount.SyncAcountAsync();
//Let's get the nftId of the first nft that we created
string nftId = balance.Payload.Nfts.First();
//Sending to another wallet, eg bloom
string receiverAddress = "rms1qrwp0umeexltwgmqh57jmag4c93qjgww4wnhk3ln5ylc6d2axnzfsy5kdya";
AddressAndNftId addressAndNftId = new AddressAndNftId(receiverAddress, nftId);
//Send the NFT
await spendingAccount.SendNftsAsync(new List<AddressAndNftId> { addressAndNftId });