Thank you for your interest in contributing to the module ! We welcome bug reports, documentation, code, and more!
This module's branch versions and tags reflect the API's status as meant by Semantic Versioning.
An issue is a bug when a feature is not behaving the way it should as described in the API contract. A feature request is to add something not covered by the API, yet is an installation option in Dataverse.
You can browse the issue tracker on GitHub.
Before submitting an issue, please search the existing issues by using the search bar at the top of the page. If there is an existing issue that matches the issue you want to report, please add a comment to it.
If there is no pre-existing issue, please click on the "New Issue" button, log in, and write in what the issue is.
The source for the documentation is available in the including links to example installations. If you find a typo or inaccuracy or something to clarify, please send us a pull request!
The branching strategy of this module follows that of the Dataverse community. Please read the Developer's Guide.
If your pull request is not assigned to anyone in a timely manner, please reach out. The assignee is responsible for evaluating the pull request and deciding whether or not to merge it in. Please try to make it easy to merge in pull requests. Unit tests are great. :)