- Identify soil carbon data sets of interest to community
- Harmonization scripts targeting the identified data sets
- Educational material for soil science community regarding data management and best practices
Versions (with DOI) will be established at major content development milestones that can either include a significant number of datasets harmonized (10+) or refinement of other content.
We always need:
- Copy editing for code and documentation
- Code review
- QA/QC scripts that identify likely duplicate values and flag likely outliers for different variables
- Guides for
- data contribution
- repository use for meta-analysis
- how to hold a hackathon
- Scripts input and output from/to the MPI/Powell Center radiocarbon and fractionation data efforts
- Scripts outputing to ISRIC
- Transfer identified data sets from 'Issues' to a markdown table
- Function to fetch files
- Add filter to ingest scripts to only load certain variables
- Establish working protocols for project contributions that follow best practices for open source community
- 10 new datasets identified and harmonized by members of the community
- 2 output format scripts developed that tie into other projects
- Develop hackathon/workshop material
- First DOI for project repository
- needs: script to remove duplicates, script to flag bad value ranges, output script, input script
- Identify interested funders
- Evaluate possible migration to SQL or other database
- Transfer ownership of repository to ISCN organizational account
- Continue haromonizing 12 new datasets per year
- Transfer variables of interest to ISRIC
- Online lesson for data management, contributions to the project, and utilization of data product for meta analysis
- Formal ontology based on data ingestion keys to automate common data ingestions
- Use of harmonization package in 1 scientific product a year by general community
- Best practice for data rescue from non-machine readable source
- Funding for project coordinators and community events
- Expand backend to deal with high dimentional data (spectral, 'omics, and high resolution temporal)
- Funding for project coordinators, community events, and key contributors