Event Planner Calendar is a JavaScript application for creating your events, assigning tasks and viewing national holidays in your country using a calendar.
I made this project to improve my JavaScript skills and practice building real applications. I created the HTML markup in Russian, so if you don't understand Russian translate the Web page using Google Translate.
To run the application, download the source code and open the index.html file.
- Adding events or tasks
- You can specify the name and description of the event.
- You can choose one of the event types. Events of each type have different colors.
- You can specify the time and date of the event. Events can be dragged from one date to another using the cursor.
- Top panel features
- Change the number of dates shown on the calendar.
- Switching between periods of the calendar (scrolling the calendar left-right).
- Displaying user-added events and holidays in the list.
- Sidebar features
- Mini calendar
- The color of the date on the side calendar depends on what type of events are added for that day.
- Jump to a date in the main (big) calendar by clicking on a date in the side calendar.
- Add a new event or task.
- Filter events by their types (you can hide events of the same type by unchecking the appropriate checkbox).
- Mini calendar
- Holidays
- I used the Holidays API to get the national holidays in a specific country.
- To display national holidays in your country, enter your country code in the input field at the bottom of the sidebar.