- update mailroom to 9.0.1
- update mailroom to 8.2.0
- update mailroom to 7.5.35
- update mailroom to 7.4.1
- Fix wenichats send media #118
- Ordering Twilioflex msg history and send each as a separated message #117
- Send message attribute to Zendesk on attachment submissions #115
- Tweak wenichats integration open room to pass FlowUUID and contact groups #113 & #114
- Fix FetchFileWithMaxSize #113
- Added wenichats webhook media body bytes limits #111
- Send chatbot history on Twilio in just one message #109
- Added config for flow start batch timeout #107
- Add Domain to File URL for Zendesk #105
- Fix file endpoint for Zendesk #103
- Add support for sending contact language in messages for WAC and WA #101
- Fix submitting tags and custom fields for Zendesk tickets #99
- add contact urn field to wenichats room creation params #97
- Fix twilio flex messages history #95
- Fix twilio flex media creation content-type param #93
- Fix tag registration, custom_fields and ticket closing in Zendesk #91
- Add Ticket Fields for Zendesk #86
- twilio flex detect and setup media on create media type #87
- twilio flex open ticket can set preferred flexflow from body json field flex_flow_sid #88
- Swap targets for webhooks in Zendesk #89
- wenichats open ticket with contact fields as default in addition to custom fields
- fix twilio flex contact echo msgs from webhook
- twilio flex support extra fields
- twilio flex has Header X-Twilio-Webhook-Enabled=True on send msg
- wenichats ticketer support custom fields
- Add wenichats ticketer integration
- Fix contacts msgs query
- Replace gocommon v1.16.2 with version v1.16.2-weni compatible with Teams channel
- Replace gocommon for one with slack bot channel urn
- Merge nyaruka tag v7.1.22 into weni 1.2.1-mailroom-7.0.1 and resolve conflicts.
- Tweak ticketer Twilio Flex to allow API key authentication
- Add ticketer Twilio Flex
- Update gocommon to v1.15.1
- Update Dockerfile to go 1.17.5
- Fix ivr cron retry calls
- More options in "wait for response". 15, 30 and 45 seconds
- Support to build Docker image