Steps to run:
Start RaptureWebServer
Install the EntityTest, Widgets, DataEntities and DataSets features; run relevant script(s) to import data. E.g. for getting country- and currency-related data into our system:
cd ~/Rapture/Plugins/EntityTest; gradle clean installApp; cd ..; ./
cd ~/Rapture/Plugins/Widgets; gradle clean installApp; cd ..; ./
cd ~/Rapture/Plugins/DataSets; gradle clean installApp
cd ~/Rapture/Plugins/DataEntities; gradle clean installApp
cd ..; ./
(NOTE: this installs DataSets and DataEntities)cd ~/Rapture/Plugins/TestScripts/ImportCountries/; ~/Rapture/Apps/ReflexRunner/build/install/ReflexRunner/bin/ReflexRunner -u rapture -p rapture -r http://localhost:8665/rapture -f import.script
(NOTE: this imports country data)cd ~/Rapture/Plugins/TestScripts/ImportCountries/; ~/Rapture/Apps/ReflexRunner/build/install/ReflexRunner/bin/ReflexRunner -u rapture -p rapture -r http://localhost:8665/rapture -f importCCY.script
(NOTE: this imports currency data)
In ROC's root directory, run
npm install
to install all NPM dependencies. -
(Optional step: ONLY IF you do not have the latest private modules from under ROC/node_modules_incapture/):
- pull/fork a local copy of the RaptureJS repository (
- In ROC's root directory, run
gulp rapturejs-latest --loc ~/RaptureJS/ --modules '["core-auth"]'
(where 'loc' is the location of RaptureJS on your local, 'modules' is an array of modules that you want your project to utilize)
- Now run
node server.js
ROC should be up and running at http://localhost:8081